Chinese Practice
All that passes is like a river,
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
flowing continuously
(shi4 zhe3 ru2 si1 fu2 bu4 she3 zhou4 ye4)
英文有句類似的說法,也將流水比喻作時間:「time and tide wait for no man」(時間與潮汐是不等人的),意思是說,我們該把握機會,因它可能稍縱即逝。而這句話的演變有些曲折。
此句一般認為出自英國文豪喬叟(西元一三四三~一四○○年)所著,於一三六八年出版的《學者的故事》其中一句:「For thogh we slepe, or wake, or rome, or ryde, Ay fleeth the tyme; it nyl no man abyde 」(因即便我們無論是睡或醒,或漫步,或騎馬,時間永遠在消逝;時間不等任何人)。
紀錄中最早使用「time and tide」(時間與潮汐)的是一二二五年——也就是年代較喬叟早一百多年的聖馬荷的著作中。聖馬荷的生平似乎鮮為人知,他寫道:「你出生的潮汐與時間應受祝福。」此句雖非描述時間之流逝,但其中tide(潮汐)一字便是時間的同義詞。
因此,後來「time and tide」這說法便結合了喬叟原句的含意,而成了現今的「Time and tide wait for no man」這句話。
(Time and tide wait for no man. We should seize opportunities as they arise, lest we regret lost opportunities in our dotage.)
Time and tide wait for no man
In the Zi Han chapter of the Analects of Confucius, it says, 子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫!不舍晝夜. Translated, this means “Confucius, standing on the river bank, lamented: ’that which passes is like this river, flowing unceasingly, day and night’.” While different interpretations of this metaphor have been ventured throughout history, the phrase 逝者如斯夫,不舍晝夜 has come to refer to the passage of time, and of time as something to be valued.
The link between time and water appears in an English equivalent, “time and tide wait for no man,” meaning that one should make use of an opportunity, as you might not have the chance later. The evolution of the phrase, however, is a little complicated.
It is generally attributed to Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400) who, in the Prologue to the Clerk’s Tale (1368), wrote “For thogh we slepe, or wake, or rome, or ryde, Ay fleeth the tyme; it nyl no man abyde (For though we sleep or wake, or roam, or ride, time forever flees; it will tarry [wait] for no person.)
But Chaucer only uses the word “time”; he makes no mention of “tide.”
The earliest recorded usage of “time and tide” appears in the writings of a St. Marher — of whom little seems to be known — in 1225, over a century before. Translated into modern English, he wrote, “And the tide and the time that you were born shall be blessed.” Although St. Marher was not talking about the passage of time, he was using a phrase in which tide was equated with time.
The modern usage of “tide” refers to the alternate rising and falling of the surface of the ocean, usually twice a day. In St. Marher’s time, however, it meant “a point or portion of time, due time, period or season,” deriving from the Old English word “tid.” The modern meaning was given to the word in the mid-14th century. Time and tide, in the phrase, are essentially one and the same thing.
This combination was subsequently combined with Chaucer’s allusion to form the modern version of the phrase.
(Paul Cooper, Taipei Times)
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A: Any plans for Valentine’s Day tomorrow? B: I’ll go to karaoke with a group of fans to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the late pop diva Whitney Houston’s debut. A: Sounds like fun. B: She released her eponymous album “Whitney Houston” on Feb. 14, 1985, launching a glorious career that spanned over four decades. A: Can I join you for karaoke? A: 明天情人節你要幹嘛? B: 我要和一群歌迷去KTV,慶祝流行天后惠妮休斯頓出道40週年! A: 哇好像很好玩。 B: 她在1985年2月14日發行同名專輯《惠妮休斯頓》,並開啟了輝煌的40年演藝生涯。 A: 我能跟你一起去KTV嗎? (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
A: I remember that the late pop diva Whitney Houston’s 1985 debut album “Whitney Houston” is a diamond album, meaning it sold over 10 million units in the US. B: Her 1987 album “Whitney” and 1992 soundtrack “The Bodyguard” have also reached diamond status, making her the only black singer with three diamond albums. A: Many people think that her songs are difficult to sing. B: I challenge you to sing her megahit “I Will Always Love You” at tonight’s karaoke party. A: OK, challenge accepted. A: 我記得流行天后惠妮休斯頓的1985年出道專輯《惠妮休斯頓》還是一張鑽石唱片呢,表示在美國狂賣超過1千萬張。 B: 她1987年的次張專輯《惠妮》、1992年的電影《終極保鑣》原聲帶也獲得鑽石唱片認證,使她成為唯一擁有3張鑽石唱片的黑人歌手! A: 而許多人覺得她的歌都很難唱。 B: 那我挑戰你在今晚的KTV派對唱她的名曲《我將永遠愛你》。 A: 好啊我接受你的挑戰。 (By Eddy