Chinese Practice
po4 fu3 chen2 zhou1
Photo: Paul Cooper, Taipei Times
to smash the cooking pots and sink the boats
英文裡,我們可以用「burn bridges」來形容,意思就是將退路給截斷。這句英文可以用來比喻一個別無選擇的情況,非何做某件事不可。
然而,中文的「破釜沉舟」表現的是為了完成某個目標義無反顧的決心,英文的「burn bridges」指的則是處在一個別無選擇的情況,未必是下定決心要做什麼事。
1. 為了通過律師考試,她破釜沉舟,跟男朋友分手了。
(In order to concentrate on passing the bar exam, she split up with her boyfriend.)
2. 傑森並非優柔寡斷,一旦下定決心,就會破釜沉舟去做。
(Jason is very decisive. When he makes up his mind to do something, he does it.)
Burn bridges
The idiom 破釜沉舟 — "to smash the cooking pots and sink the boats” — actually comes from the Annals of Xiang Yu (項羽本紀) in the Records of the Grand Historian (史記), written by the Western Han historian Sima Qian 2,000 years ago.
Xiang Yu was a general in the last years of the Qin dynasty (221 to 206 BC). This entry relates the story of how he first proved his military mettle, leading his army against a Qin force outnumbering his own men 10 to one.
He galvanized his forces by ordering them to destroy their cooking pots and boats before going into battle, to press home the point that there was literally no turning back: that they had no choice but to win, and withdrawal was not an option.
In English, we can say that somebody has “burned their bridges.” In the literal sense, this means cutting off your means of retreat. In a metaphorical sense, it means leaving yourself with no alternative, and so forcing your hand, often — but not necessarily — intentionally.
The English and Chinese phrases differ slightly, in that the Chinese is used to bolster resolve, whereas the English refers to the possibility of leaving options open.
1. I’ve been offered the job, but I’m still going to the other interview. No sense in burning my bridges.
2. I was willing to forgive him, but that last email was so offensive. He’s really burned his bridges with me now.
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