To celebrate its 20th anniversary in Taiwan, Vogue magazine is holding the “Coming into Fashion, Vogue Century Fashion photography exhibition” at Hall 4B of the Huashan 1914 Creative Park in Taipei. The event started on Sept. 15 and will run through Nov. 27.
Vogue magazine is spending NT$25 million on Taiwan’s largest fashion photography show in almost 20 years. On the first floor of the venue, “Coming into Fashion: A Century of Photography at Conde Nast” is exhibiting a total of 160 masterpieces from 90 master photographers worldwide. The artworks, which combine fashion with photography, have their own interpretations of stylish figures from each generation, as seen through different photographers’ eyes.
Stepping up to the second floor, you will find Vogue Taiwan’s 20 Years of Excellent Fashion Image Flashback, which invites visitors to recall the magazine’s many achievements since its establishment in Taiwan in 1996. A total of 240 covers from over the past two decades are displayed, including covers of superstars Faye Wong, Anita Mui and Lin Chih-ling.
Photo: Pang Shao-tang, Taipei Times
(CNA, translated by Eddy Chang)
為慶祝在台二十週年,Vogue雜誌特別舉辦「預見Coming into Fashion,Vogue跨世紀時尚攝影展」,九月十五日至十一月二十七日,在台北的華山1914文化創意產業園區4B館展出。
走上展場二樓,「Vogue Taiwan精采20時尚影像回顧」帶領觀眾回味自一九九六年在台創立以來的傑出成果。現場展出該雜誌二十年來兩百四十個封面影像,包括王菲、梅豔芳、林志玲等名人影像。
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A: Astrologer Ai Fei-er has just released his horoscope reading for this year. B: What do the stars tell us? A: Aries may be reborn through challenges, Tauruses should keep learning and Geminis will have double the good luck. B: Wow, so lucky. A: Cancers may see the light in the dark, Leos should conceal their ability and bide their time and Virgos will brave the wind and waves. A: 艾菲爾老師的2025年星座大預測出爐啦。 B: 今年各星座運勢如何? A: 「牡羊座」挑戰重生、「金牛座」學無止境、「雙子座」幸運倍增。 B: 真幸運! A: 「巨蟹座」柳暗花明、「獅子座」韜光養晦、「處女座」乘風破浪。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
Spoiler alert and shift blame 破梗&甩鍋 在新冠疫情期間,無論是因為封城 (lockdown) 還是居家隔離 (self-isolation at home),人們關在家中使用網路的時間大增。這也讓一些原本只存在於網路論壇的用語廣為普及。我們來談一下破梗 (spoiler alert) 與甩鍋 (shift blame) 這兩個用語。 有位古典文學教授 Joel Christensen 針對領導統御與疫情控制寫了一篇以古喻今、相當深入的文章:“Plagues follow bad leadership in ancient Greek tales”,文中出現一些講法,可用來翻譯上述的流行語: In the 5th century B.C., the playwright Sophocles begins Oedipus Tyrannos with the title character struggling to identify the cause of a plague striking his city, Thebes. (Spoiler alert: It’s his own bad leadership.) (Joel Christensen, “Plagues follow bad leadership in ancient Greek tales,” The Conversation, March 12, 2020) 作者提到 Oedipus(伊底帕斯)想找出瘟疫何以降臨他的城邦的緣由,加了一句:Spoiler alert: It’s his own bad leadership.(破梗:領導無方)。Spoiler alert 就是「破梗」,如果用在有人洩漏電影劇情的情境中,也可以翻作「小心爆雷」或「劇透警告」。疫情之下,在家看影集、電影成了很多人的娛樂,但要小心劇透 (spoilers),很多 YouTube 上的影評在開頭也都會說 Spoiler alert!,警告還沒看過電影的觀眾小心爆雷、劇透。 至於「甩鍋」,源自大陸網民用語,通常意指某人犯了錯之後想推卸責任、轉移焦點、甚至讓別人背黑鍋的做法。疫情爆發後,相關網路資訊量爆增,許多中國網民也想找人為這場疫情負責,紛紛呼籲地方政府首長、地方黨書記不要「甩鍋」。 其實,在古代文學《奧德賽》中,就有「將自己的責任怪罪眾神」的說法,試用時下流行的「甩鍋」來重新翻譯: Humans are always blaming the gods for their suffering, but they experience