Has anyone ever told you that you need to get your ducks in a row? If someone has, did you know what that person meant?
If you don't have any pet ducks, it might sound a little strange to you. However, getting your ducks in a row doesn't have anything to do with taking care of your pets.
Getting your ducks in a row means putting your life in order. If you have all your ducks in a row, you are prepared and organized. If all your ducks are in a row, everything will go just like you planned.
This expression comes from the way a mother duck takes care of her ducklings. When she walks, the ducklings walk neatly in a row behind her. She does this so that she knows where all the ducklings are, and none of the ducklings will get lost. If the ducklings begin to walk away or get out of line, the mother duck will put them back in the row so that she can keep walking without losing any of her little ones.
The next time you see people who need to get better organized or prepared, try telling them to get their ducks in a row. But first, check to make sure yours already are! (Kayleen Hartman, Staff Writer)
有人告訴過你要「get your ducks in a row」嗎?假如有,你知道那個人是什麼意思嗎?
假如你沒有養寵物鴨,這聽起來可能有點奇怪。不過,「getting your ducks in a row」與照顧寵物一點關係都沒有。
「Getting your ducks in a row」意思是讓你的生活有條不紊。假如你有條不紊,你就是準備好了,有組織性。假如你做事情有條有理,事事都會照你的計畫進行。
下次你看見有人需要更有組織性或做更好的準備時,試著要他們「get their ducks in a row」。不過首先,要先確定自己已經做到!
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對話 Dialogue 清清:今天中午我要多吃一點,不然晚上可能會吃不飽。 Qīngqing: Jīntiān zhōngwǔ wǒ yào duō chī yìdiǎn, bùrán wǎnshàng kěnéng huì chībùbǎo. 華華:怎麼了?為什麼會吃不飽? Huáhua: Zěnmele? Wèishénme huì chībùbǎo? 清清:今天大年初七,是「人日節」,傳統上結了婚的女兒要回家給父母送長壽麵,而且最好是素的,我姐姐會回來,只吃素麵,我應該很快就餓了。 Qīngqing: Jīntiān Dànián chūqī, shì “Rénrì jié,” chuántǒng shàng jiéle hūn de nǚ’ér yào huíjiā gěi fùmǔ sòng chángshòumiàn, érqiě zuìhǎo shì sù de, wǒ jiějie huì huílái, zhǐ chī sùmiàn, wǒ yīnggāi hěn kuài jiù èle. 華華:我還是第一次聽說有「人日節」呢!這是怎麼來的啊? Huáhua: Wǒ háishì dì yī cì tīngshuō yǒu “Rénrì jié” ne! Zhè shì zěnme lái de a? 清清:老一輩的人說,女媧是在第七天造出了「人」,所以今天可說是我們每個人的「生日」呢!生日快樂! Qīngqing: Lǎoyíbèi de rén shuō, Nǚwā shì zài dì qī tiān zào chūle “rén,” suǒyǐ jīntiān kěshuōshì wǒmen měi ge rén de “shēngrì” ne! Shēngrì kuàilè! 華華:你也是啊!欸?那前六天女媧都做了什麼呢? Huáhua: Nǐ yěshì a! Éi? Nà
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