It’s likely that you may know someone who has had their appendix removed, or at least you’ve heard of the operation. An appendectomy is typically performed when the appendix, a small pouch next to the intestines, becomes inflamed or infected, leading to severe pain and potential complications if left untreated. Fortunately, the procedure is very safe today, and patients can go on to live normal lives without their appendix. Yet, it still begs the question of how humans can continue living without an organ.
The human body is full of various parts that scientists still don’t completely understand, and the appendix is one of the top examples. Such organs are often referred to as vestigial, a term first coined by German biologist Robert Wiedersheim in the 1890s. He used the term to describe structures in organisms that appeared to have lost their original function but remain in the body. He identified 86 such structures, noting their diminished physiological significance.
Vestigial organs were also of great interest to Charles Darwin, the father of evolutionary theory. He was one of the first to suggest that species change through natural selection and genetic drift, although these processes still aren’t perfectly understood. There may be some vestiges that persist in species as they evolve, serving as evidence of evolutionary history.
Photo: AdobeStock 照片: AdobeStock
Darwin was intrigued by the appendix and theorized that it might have originally helped process plants eaten by early humans. Recent research suggests that the appendix may play a role in both the immune system and digestive health, though its exact function remains uncertain. A leading theory proposes that the appendix acts as a reservoir for beneficial bacteria that help fight infections or diseases that may develop in the large intestine.
人體充滿了科學家仍未完全了解的各種部位,而闌尾就是其中一個最好的例子。這樣的器官通常被稱為退化器官,vestigial(退化的)一詞是德國生物學家羅伯特.魏德斯海姆在 1890 年代首創的詞。他用這個詞來描述生物體中那些看似已經失去原本功能但仍存留在體內的結構。他發現了八十六個這樣的結構,指出其生理意義已經減弱。
To be continued tomorrow(明日待續)
Words in Use
1. infected a. 受到感染的
infection n. 感染
Despite proper care, the wound became infected due to exposure to bacteria.
Mia contracted a severe infection after the surgery.
2. potential a. 潛在的,可能的
I took the experimental drug despite the potential risks.
3. procedure n. 手術
The doctor will perform a procedure next week.
4. identify vt. 發現;認出
The scientist was able to identify a new species of beetle in the rainforest.
5. diminish vi. & vt. 減少
The political influence of the former prime minister diminished with time.
Practical Phrases
1. beg the question(說法或情況)使人想要提出問題
All the findings beg the question of whether humans have evolved from apes.
2. A be referred to as B A 被稱為 B
Taiwan was referred to as Formosa by Portuguese sailors.
3. be of great interest to... 讓……非常感興趣
This discovery is of great interest to historians.
4. be intrigued by... 因……著迷
intrigue vt. 使著迷
The children were all intrigued by Roger’s stories of his adventures.
5. play a role in... 對……起作用∕造成影響
The president’s wife played an important role in making his political career a success.
UK lawmakers voted on Nov. 29 in favor of assisted dying for terminally ill people in England and Wales, advancing the emotive and contentious legislation to the next stage of parliamentary scrutiny. MPs voted by 330 to 275 in support of legalized euthanasia in the first vote on the issue in the House of Commons for nearly a decade. The result came following an emotionally-charged debate that lasted almost five hours in a packed and hushed chamber, and as competing protestors made their voices heard outside parliament. The Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill now progresses to the committee
In the world of DIY and crafts, creating terrariums has emerged as a popular trend. Whether you have a spacious garden or a compact apartment, anyone can enjoy the beauty of nature at their fingertips with these miniature gardens. But what are terrariums, and why have they taken the world by storm? A terrarium is a sealed glass container that supports plant growth without daily watering. This concept was first developed in the 19th century by Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward, an English botanist. While experimenting, Ward accidentally discovered that ferns could grow well in a sealed jar. This observation led
A: The 2024 BWF World Tour Finals just kicked off in Hangzhou, China yesterday. B: Only the world’s top 8 players and Olympic gold medalists are qualified for the annual games. A: Taiwan’s badminton duo, Lee Yang and Wang Chi-lin, won the Olympic gold. Did they qualify? B: Of course. This will be the “Lin-Yang duo’s” last dance. A: Taiwan’s badminton king Chou Tien-cheng, men’s doubles, Yang Po-hsuan and Lee Jhe-huei, and mixed doubles, Yang and Hu Ling-fang, will also compete this time. It’s sure to be awesome. A: 2024世界羽聯「BWF年終總決賽」,昨天已在杭州開打了。 B: 只有世界前8名選手,或奧運金牌才有資格參賽。 A: 台灣的李洋、王齊麟榮獲奧運男雙金牌,也可以參男雙賽囉? B: 當然啦,而這次將是「麟洋配」的最後一舞! A: 而台灣球王周天成,男雙楊博軒、李哲輝,混雙楊博軒、胡綾芳也將參賽,讚啦。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
2020 年在新冠疫情籠罩下,口罩 (face masks/face covering) 成了日用必需品。疫情爆發初期,外科口罩製造原料「熔噴不織布」(melt-blown nonwoven fabric) 一度成為戰略管制品,也導致熔噴布國際價格飆漲。 我們可以利用這個機會了解一下相關詞彙及知識。 「不織布」(nonwoven fabric),顧名思義,不似一般編織的紡織品,而是使用高壓黏合各種纖維所生成的布狀物,是口罩或抹布等的原料。不織布通常含有聚丙烯(polypropylene,簡寫 PP)或聚乙烯(polyethylene,簡寫 PE)。「熔噴不織布」是在吹送熱風的同時將熔化的樹脂原料從噴嘴擠出,堆疊出極細小的連續纖維,最後形成布片,適合製成各種濾材。 「外科/醫用口罩」 (surgical face mask/medical mask),通常於進出醫院時配戴,是「三層不織布口罩」(nonwoven 3-layer face mask),外層是防潑水的不織布,可避免飛沫,中間是過濾層,能過濾細菌、病毒等細小物質,內層是可以吸水的材質,用途主要是吸收配戴者自己的口沫。 一般的布口罩多少也能擋住飛沫,進而降低感染風險,但防護力明顯不足,且須勤於清洗、消毒、晾乾;而 N95 口罩 (N95 respirator/N95 mask) 有最好的隔離效果,但容易使人呼吸困難;所以外科口罩還是最適合一般民眾配戴防疫,也有足以阻絕病毒的效果。 When used properly and in higher-risk settings, medical masks and respirator masks give better protection from COVID-19 infection than cloth masks. 此外,還有以伸縮性的聚氨酯泡棉 (Polyurethane, PU) 製作較美觀的、可清洗的「匹塔口罩」(pitta mask)。 Made with polyurethane, this mask is very light and comfortable. The texture makes it flexible and stretchable to match the shape of your face. It can be washed and reused repeatedly. 最後要提的是英文的 face mask 一詞是一詞多意的 blanket term,它可以指口罩,也可以指面膜或面罩。 防疫必備詞彙:防護器具用品 社交距離 social distancing 額溫槍 forehead thermometer 耳溫槍 ear thermometer 紅外線體溫測量儀 infrared thermometer 體溫熱像儀 thermal imaging camera 乾洗手(劑)hand sanitizer 消毒濕巾 disinfecting wipes 個人防護裝備 personal protective