Consider this scenario: an individual has suffered severe chronic heart failure and desperately needs a heart transplant to survive. In some countries, there’s a ray of hope for such an individual, but in Taiwan, the outlook appears gloomier. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, Taiwan saw organ donations from a mere 396 people in 2020, translating as roughly 17 donors per million population (pmp), a rate considerably lower than that of many developed nations.
Organ donation is a vital and often life-saving medical procedure in which organs from a donor, living or deceased, are legally transferred to a recipient in urgent need. The organs that can be donated, such as kidneys, livers, and hearts, symbolize the hope of a new lease on life for those battling lifelong disabilities or terminal illnesses.
In Taiwan, the landscape of organ donation is delicate, shaped by legal frameworks and ethical considerations. Individuals wishing to donate their organs can register on a Web site or by signing a written consent form. The legal foundation for organ donation is the Human Organ Transplantation Act, which was implemented in 1987 and was the first of its kind in Asia. Despite this early legislative support, the deep-rooted cultural belief in preserving the body intact after death deters many from considering organ donation.
Photo: Freepik / 照片:Freepik
In sharp contrast, Spain leads globally in organ donation, boasting a record-breaking rate of approximately 49 donors pmp in 2023. This achievement is largely attributed to Spain’s opt-out system, which considers all citizens to be potential donors by default unless they explicitly state otherwise, unlike Taiwan’s opt-in system. Also critical to Spain’s success are its extensive campaigns to raise public awareness and a sophisticated national transplant system capable of retrieving organs from donors whose hearts are no longer beating. The comprehensive approach has made Spain a pioneer in organ donation efforts.
The exploration of organ donation practices in Taiwan and Spain highlights the significant differences in this medical area across the globe. Despite these differences, it’s clear that at the heart of organ donation lies a universal truth: one single decision could potentially save a life.
思考一下這個情景:有個人患有嚴重的慢性心臟衰竭,迫切需要心臟移植才能生存。在一些國家,這樣的人是有一線希望的,但在臺灣,前景似乎更不樂觀。即使在新冠疫情大流行之前,臺灣在西元2020 年的器官捐贈人數也僅有 396人,相當於每百萬人口約17位捐贈者,這個比例遠低於許多已開發國家。
字識庫Word Power
default 可作「名詞」或「動詞」用,常見用法如下:
1. (n.) 預設;默認 & (vi.)(電子裝置)預設選擇
by default 在預設情況下(如單字例句)
default value / setting 預設值/設定
After experiencing several computer failures, Ron restored the computer to its default settings.
default to sth (電子裝置)預設為……
The smartphone system will default to English if no other language is selected.
2. (n.) & (v.) 違約;不履行
in default (on sth) 拖欠(款項)
George is in default on his loan due to financial difficulties and unemployment.
default (on) sth 違反……(的約定);拖欠……(的款項)
If you default (on) your payments, you risk losing your house as a guarantee.
3. in default of 因……的欠缺
The judge dismissed the case in default of evidence provided by the prosecution.
pandemic n. 疫情;疾病大流行
deceased adj. 已故的;去世的
deep-rooted adj. 根深蒂固的
approximately adv. 大約;近乎
retrieve vt. 取回;復得
comprehensive adj. 全面的;綜合性的
1. transplant n. 移植;移植器官
transplantation n.(總稱)移植
Tammy had a kidney transplant to improve her health and quality of life.
2. outlook n. 前景;觀點
Analysts are optimistic about the outlook for the economy next year.
3. donor n. 捐獻者;捐贈者
donate v. 捐獻;捐贈
donation n. 捐獻;捐贈
Family members are often the first choice as suitable donors.
4. lifelong adj. 終身的;一輩子的
Online courses offer opportunities for lifelong learning and skill improvement.
5. terminal adj.(疾病)末期的;終末的
The patient was diagnosed with terminal cancer and given limited time.
6. framework n. 框架;架構;體系
The report provides a general framework for addressing environmental issues.
7. consent n. 同意;應允
Parents must give consent to field trips before their children can go.
8. deter vt. 阻止;使打消念頭(三態 deter-deterred-deterred
deter sb from + N / V-ing 阻止某人去做……
The high cost of repairs deterred Paula from buying the old car.
9. default n. 預設;默認
The smartphone’s location services are turned on by default for convenience.
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