The Perseids meteor shower is expected to peak on Monday next week, with the up to 100 meteors per hour, with the number expected to reach more than 30 one or two days before and after, which will surely be a treat for stargazers.
The Perseids are named after the Greek hero Perseus, as the meteor shower appears to come from the eponymous constellation.
According to myth, Perseus slew the gorgon Medusa by cutting off her snake-covered head while viewing her reflection in his shield.
Photo: EPA-EFE 照片:歐新社
While the meteors are active from mid-July, the best time to see them is next Monday with the Perseids most visible in the northern hemisphere.
The Perseids arise when the Earth passes through dust that has been shed from the comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle.
Derek Smale, program manager for the UK Space Agency said: “As we travel through it, that stuff cascades into our atmosphere and it’s travelling at phenomenal speeds so [it] heats up,” adding that many of the fragments are no bigger than a grain of sand.
Photo: EPA-EFE 照片:歐新社
Comets, sometimes referred to as “dirty snowballs,” are primitive objects that formed at the same time as the solar system, about 4.6bn years ago.
Lucie Green, a professor of physics at University College London and president of the Society for Popular Astronomy, said: “It’s exciting to think that those tiny bits of dust are actually the leftover material from which the whole solar system formed. In that way, looking at this meteor shower has huge significance. Each streak of light a messenger from the past.”
According to NASA, up to 100 meteors can be seen streaking across the sky every hour during the Perseids shower — at least, Smale adds, where there are dark skies — with exceptionally bright meteors, known as fireballs, part of the show. Some fireballs can be as bright as Venus in the night sky, and even have colors of reds, blues or greens.
Photo: AP 照片:美聯社
Best time to watch the Perseid meteor shower in 2024
‧ Activity period: July 17 to Aug. 24
‧ Peak: Aug. 12, 13:00-16:00 GMT (Taiwan time from 21:00 on Aug. 12 to 00:00 on Aug. 13)
‧ Best viewing time: after midnight on August 11 and 12
‧ Best viewing location: Mid-latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere
‧ Expected number of meteors during peak: 100 meteors per hour
(The Guardian, with staff writer)
‧ 活躍期:7月17日至8月24日
‧ 極大期:8月12日,格林威治標準時間13:00-16:00 (台灣時間8月12日21:00至8月13日00:00)
‧ 最佳觀星時間:8月11日至12日午夜之後
‧ 最佳觀星地點:北半球中緯度
‧ 極大期預估流星數量:每小時100顆
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