Chinese Practice
(shi4 ban4 gong1 bei4)
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half the work, twice the effect
「事半功倍」有個意義相當的英文諺語「a stitch in time saves nine」(及時縫一針,可省九針),此語以完全相同的字詞第一次出現,是出自英格蘭天文學家弗朗西斯‧貝利所言,發表於一八五六年,但實際上是寫於較早的一七九七年,貝利稱此語為「俗諺」。
但其意並非首創──當時的英文顯然已在使用了。例如,托馬斯‧富勒一七三二年的《Gnomologia, Adagies and Proverbs, Wise Sentences and Witty Sayings, Ancient and Modern, Foreign and British》(古今英外諺語集),便收錄有「A Stitch in Time May save nine」,這是此諺語第一次出現在印刷品中。
因此,「a stitch in time saves nine」是警告人不要拖延、懶惰和疏忽。
(According to traditional Chinese medicine, the best time to get to sleep, and when you get the best quality of sleep, is between 11pm and 1am.)
(Our teacher said that revising the lesson immediately after class is the most effective way to study.)
a stitch in time saves nine
The gong sun chou I chapter of the mengzi (Mencius), an important Confucian text recording the thought of the Warring States period philosopher Mencius, gave us the idiom 飢不擇食 (when hungry, you can’t pick what you eat) written about in Using Idioms on July 23. It also gives us today’s idiom.
Like many of his contemporary thinkers, Mencius aspired to a return of the glory days of previous dynasties, to the ancient sage rulers and kings of the prehistoric past and the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties. In this chapter, Mencius was responding to a question by Gong Sun Chou about Qi’s chances of gaining supremacy over the other states.
Mencius compares Qi’s territory to that governed by the ancient sage rulers; he then speaks of the thirst of the — much put-upon — common people for benevolent government: “Never,” he said, “was there a time farther removed than the present from the rise of a true sovereign: never was there a time when the sufferings of the people from tyrannical government were more intense than the present.” Both of these points, according to Mencius, gave Qi a significant advantage over the ancient rulers, and so he counseled that Qi had the ability to become hegemon, with the proviso that the ruler undertook benevolent rule of the people. He warned against the continuation of tyrannical measures: “Let benevolent government [in a powerful state] be put in practice,” he said, “and the people will be delighted with it, as if they were relieved from hanging by the heels.”
He concluded that great things could be achieved if this current window of opportunity were to be taken, even if the Qi ruler fell some way short of the standards of the ancient sage rulers, saying 事半古之人,功必倍之,惟此時為然 (“With half the merit of the ancients, double their achievements is sure to be realized. It is only at this time that such could be the case”).
This last phrase gives us the idiom 事半功倍 (half the work, twice the effect).
The first known use of an English equivalent, “a stitch in time saves nine” — in that precise format — also referred to it as a “vulgar proverb.” These were the words of the English astronomer Francis Baily, published in 1856 but actually written some time before, in 1797.
It was not the first time the idea had been used, and it was apparently already current in English. Thomas Fuller’s Gnomologia, Adagies and Proverbs, Wise Sentences and Witty Sayings, Ancient and Modern, Foreign and British of 1732, for example, has “A Stitch in Time May save nine.” This was the first appearance of the phrase in print.
The phrase refers to the idea of addressing an issue in a prompt and timely manner to prevent expending much more time and energy on it later, should the situation be allowed to deteriorate. So, if there is a small tear in your jacket, stitching it up immediately will save you a lot of work later should the tear be allowed to become bigger.
As such, it is a warning against procrastination, laziness and negligence.(Paul Cooper, Taipei Times)
My car is making a weird noise. I’m not sure what the problem is, but I’m going to have a mechanic look at it. A stitch in time...
Take action now. Don’t wait and hope the problem will go away. A stitch in time saves nine.
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A: The newest twist in “Friends” star Matthew Perry’s sudden death is shocking. B: Didn’t he die from a ketamine overdose last year? A: But the police say his death could be a conspiracy. B: Wow, what happened? A: Five suspects have been charged for intentionally supplying him with large amounts of ketamine for personal gain. A: 《六人行》男星馬修派瑞之死大逆轉真令人震驚! B: 他去年不是因吸毒過量致死嗎? A: 但警方說他的死可能是個陰謀。 B: 發生了什麼事? A: 警方已起訴5名嫌犯,他們故意提供大量「K他命」給他,以謀取暴利。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
「避免新冠病毒傳播」英文該怎麼說?是 to prevent the spread of Novel Coronavirus 還是 to prevent Novel Coronavirus from spreading?「避免○○○傳播」,在台灣,多數人喜歡說 to prevent something from spreading,但英文的習慣則是 to prevent the spread of something。 若用Google搜尋,可得到底下統計: “to prevent novel coronavirus from spreading” About 7 results (Google Feb. 12, 2020) “to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus” About 46,000 results 可見 to prevent the spread of something 才是道地的英文句型。2003至2004 年,禽流感在東亞多國嚴重爆發。此後,為避免禽流感傳播,台北捷運開始在各站入口立了以下標示: 為避免禽流感傳播,禁止鳥禽類動物進入車站。 To prevent bird flu virus from spreading, do not carry poultry and birds into the station. 其實,「避免禽流感傳播」,宜翻譯成 to prevent the spread of avian flu 才符合英文習慣。此外,中文的「鳥」與「禽」是兩種不同的概念,養來吃的鳥類動物叫「禽」,不稱為「鳥」;但英文的poultry 一詞,也屬於 bird 的範疇,並非中文中並列的概念。以下為聯合國糧食與農業組織對poultry 的介紹: Poultry are domesticated avian species that can be raised for eggs, meat and/or feathers. The term “poultry”covers a wide