Chinese practice
(yin3 zhen4 zhi2 ke3)
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drinking poison in the hope of quenching one’s thirst
英文片語「to drink from the poisoned chalice」所用的比喻,是源自莎士比亞的劇作《馬克白》。chalice是一種有腳座的盃狀容器,以chalice喝下毒藥,是古代死刑的一種。古希臘哲學家蘇格拉底被處死的方式,便是用chalice喝下毒芹。
We still have judgment here, that we but teach
Bloody instructions, which, being taught, return
To plague th’ inventor: this even-handed justice
Commends the ingredients of our poisoned chalice
To our own lips.
現今「poison chalice」一詞,指的是起初似乎是件好事,但其實卻是壞事。
(Who knows whether genetically modified crops will be a poisoned chalice, or whether it will be an answer to food shortages.)
(The government wildly printing money is unlikely to help the economy, and is in fact more likely to lead to inflation.)
to drink from the poisoned chalice
The Chinese idiom 飲鴆止渴 (drinking poison in the hope of quenching one’s thirst) is often used to describe how people attempt to solve an immediate problem but end up making matters worse. It derives from a story found in volume 48 of the Hou Han Shu (Book of the Later Han Dynasty), which records the biography of Huo Xu.
When he was only 15 years old, Huo wrote a letter to the emperor in defense of his uncle, Song Guang, who had been framed and thrown into prison, accused of tampering with an imperial edict. He wrote of how Song Guang was a reliable official hailing from a family of officials, had already attained high status as a senior local government official, and who had few faults. He asked why such a man would risk the death penalty through such a rash act, likening this behavior to “quenching your thirst with zhen poison (止渴於酖毒),” which was known to be lethal. The zhen (酖) refers to the alcoholic drink made from infusing the poisonous feathers of the legendary zhenniao bird (鴆), which the ancient Shanhaijing (Classic of the Mountains and Seas) records as acquiring its toxicity from eating poisonous snakes.
The Hoklo Taiwanese phrase 請鬼拿藥單 (to ask a spirit to collect your prescription) is used in a similar way. In traditional society, a sick person’s family would send for a doctor, who would write out a prescription for Chinese herbs. If nobody in the family was available, they would ask somebody else to run the errand. The phrase warns against inadvertently asking a spirit to help out, for that would be putting the sick person’s life in danger.
In English there is the phrase “to drink from the poisoned chalice,” a metaphor used in William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth. A chalice is a drinking vessel consisting or a bowl upon a stem foot. In the past, forcing somebody to drink poison from a chalice was sometimes used for the death penalty. The Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, for example, drank hemlock when sentenced to death.
In the play, Macbeth conspires with his wife to murder the Scottish King Duncan, in the hope of becoming king himself. He knows that Duncan is a good monarch, and that it is only selfish ambition that compels him to murder the king. Macbeth is aware of the risk of justice catching up with him, and the poison in the chalice he refers to is a metaphor for karmic retribution in this life. In Act 1, Scene 7, Macbeth says,
We still have judgment here, that we but teach
Bloody instructions, which, being taught, return
To plague th’ inventor: this even-handed justice
Commends the ingredients of our poisoned chalice
To our own lips.
That is, in this world, there will be repercussions, for if we ourselves teach violence, it will only come back to haunt us. Justice is applied equally, and in the end we shall be forced to drink the same poison we served to others.
Nowadays, a “poison chalice” is something that at first appears to be a blessing, but turns out to be negative.
(Paul Cooper, Taipei Times)
My promotion was a poisoned chalice. I now have twice as much work as I used to.
Only time will tell whether the Brexit referendum was a good idea, or whether former UK prime minister David Cameron handed the country a poisoned chalice.
South Korea’s famous kimchi is falling victim to climate change, with scientists, farmers and manufacturers saying the quality and quantity of the napa cabbage that is pickled to make the ubiquitous dish is suffering due to rising temperatures. Napa cabbage thrives in cooler climates, and is usually planted in mountainous regions where temperatures during the key growing summer season once rarely rose above 25 degrees Celsius. Studies show that warmer weather brought about by climate change is now threatening these crops, so much so that South Korea might not be able to grow napa cabbage one day due to the intensifying heat. “We
It’s widely recognized that there are far more right-handed people than left-handed people in the world. Being right-handed simply means preferring to use one’s right hand for tasks that involve only one hand, such as writing and eating. But have you ever wondered about the possible reasons behind the global dominance of the right hand over the left? As with many complex biological questions, multiple factors appear to be at play. First, one reason seems to be genetics. __1__ Therefore, the global dominance of right-handedness is something that has been passed down through many generations of humans. Next,
A: What’s even more horrible is that the five suspects who purposely supplied ketamine to actor Matthew Perry were all his “friends.” B: Who exactly are the five suspects? A: They include Matthew’s two doctors, a broker, a drug dealer, and even his live-in assistant. B: Those scumbags should go to jail. A: Yeah, one of the doctors may be sentenced to up to 120 years in prison. A: 更可怕的是,提供男星馬修派瑞「K他命」的5人全是他的「朋友」。 B: 嫌犯是誰啊? A: 其中包括他的2位醫生、1位仲介、1位毒販、甚至他的同居助理! B: 那些人渣真該去坐牢。 A: 對啊,其中1位醫生可能面臨120年徒刑。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
Continued from yesterday(延續自昨日) Finally, cultural influence also plays a role in which hand people prefer. Historically, items that require physical manipulation have been designed for right-handed use. For example, tools like scissors and musical instruments are often constructed with right-handers in mind, making it difficult for left-handers to use them. __4__ While these factors offer some explanation, they remain speculative. The precise reasons for the global prevalence of right-handed people continue to be debated. Nevertheless, left-handedness will remain a phenomenon of great curiosity among scientists and researchers for many years to come. 最後,文化影響也在人們偏好哪一隻手上扮演一角。歷史上,需要用到肢體操作的物品都被設計來供右手使用。舉例來說,像是剪刀、樂器等工具常常就是考慮到右撇子而打造的,造成左撇子難以使用這些工具。因此,許多天生就是左撇子的人可能就必須透過學習使用右手來適應。 雖然這些因素都提供了一些解釋,但它們仍是推測而已。全球右撇子如此普及,確切的原因仍持續被爭論著。不過,在未來的許多年裡,左撇子依然會是科學家和研究人員相當好奇的一個現象。 What Did You Learn? (A) Specifically, different areas of