2020 年 4 月 6 日媒體報導 〈連假後憂爆第三波疫情 醫師提醒出門最需擔心「隱性感染者」〉,側面反映出防疫最大的威脅之一就是所謂的「隱性感染者」。「隱性感染」英文是 subclinical infection/inapparent infection/silent infection,「隱性感染者」則是 subclinical infected person,其實就是「無症狀帶原者」 (asymptomatic carrier)。Asymptomatic 是 showing no symptoms 的意思。
在討論疫情傳播途徑時,「接觸傳播」是 contact transmission,「飛沫傳播」是 droplet transmission,「空氣傳播」是 airborne transmission,「社區傳播」是community transmission,「社區擴散」是 community spread,「局部傳播」是 local transmission。
此外,「群聚感染」英文是 cluster infection,「院內感染」是 hospital-acquired infection/nosocomial infection。
Photo/Graphic courtesy of Bookman 圖片:書林
台灣第 19 例新冠肺炎確診病例是名「白牌車」(unlicensed taxi) 司機,陳時中部長特別說明這個病例可算是「*社區感染」,不是「社區傳播」。陳部長說明社區傳播的特性是:「在社區中走動都會被感染」。它具有四個徵兆:
1. 確診病例無法找到傳染來源;
2. 本地感染個案數已遠超過境外移入感染個案數;
3. 已經出現持續性的傳播鏈;
4. 有廣泛發生的群聚感染 (cluster infection) 事件。
部長提到的兩個名詞在英文中應該是 local transmission 和 community spread,嚴格來講,中文應該說「局部傳播」與「社區傳播」或「社區擴散」,語意上會較為清楚。我們醫衛系統使用的「社區感染」譯自英文 local transmission,但從中文字面,很容易與「社區傳播」(community transmission) 混淆。根據伊利諾州醫衛部對 local transmission 的解釋:Limited local confirmed transmission is defined as a single, locally acquired case, or cases clustered in a single household or nearby houses,它的意思是「只侷限在一家或附近幾家的很小範圍內感染」。在醫學上,身體的「局部感染」英文叫 local infection。因此 local transmission 一詞宜譯為「局部傳播」、「侷限傳播」或「有限度感染」,會比「社區感染」清楚。
國家教育研究院雙語審譯會 2020 年 4 月份開會決議,將 local transmission 譯為「局部傳播」,將 community spread 譯為「社區擴散」。
蘇正隆 — 台灣翻譯學學會前理事長、師大翻譯研究所兼任副教授; 編著《英語的對與錯》,《世紀病毒:必讀防疫英文知識與詞彙》...等
A: Wow, singer Bruno Mars will be visiting Kaohsiung for the first time. B: Really? Where will he be performing? A: He’s going to hold a concert at the National Stadium on Sunday. B: Why do the Taiwanese like to call him the “Martian” in Chinese? A: Because his last name “Mars” is the same word as the planet Mars. A: 哇!火星人布魯諾將首度唱進高雄。 B: 真的嗎?在哪裡? A: 他將於本週日,在國家體育場開唱唷。 B: 但是為什麼台灣人喜歡叫他火星人呢? A: 因為他的姓氏「Mars」這個字剛好是「火星」的意思啊。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
A: Bruno Mars is definitely one of today’s most popular singers. B: He has even won 14 Grammy Awards. A: I love all his megahits, like “Just the Way You Are.” B: And his new song with Lady Gaga “Die with a Smile” has a caused worldwide sensation. A: I wonder if we’ll hear the new song at his Kaohsiung concert? A: 火星人布魯諾是近年來最受歡迎的流行歌手。 B: 對啊他還曾榮獲14座葛萊美獎。 A: 他所有的金曲我都愛,像《Just the Way You Are》。 B: 最近他和女神卡卡合唱《Die with a Smile》更造成大轟動! A: 不知道在高雄有沒有機會聽他演唱這首新歌呢? (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
The Lord returned home after a long day of hunting, a deer on his horse and a bow on his back. His apprentice had stayed behind, feeling unwell. He rode slowly through the forest, closed his eyes, and felt the warm sunlight on his face. He opened his eyes to a full moon rising. Time to make offerings and pray for peace, good weather, a bountiful harvest. And a child with his beloved wife. He smiled. As he approached, the house was quiet. Too quiet. He dismounted in the empty courtyard. “Feng Meng?” he called. Silence. He went to his apprentice’s
You can’t help but notice the woman’s blonde hair, blue eyes, and bizarre outfit. She’s in a white dress that reaches below the knee and a Prussian blue jacket highlighted by a brooch on a ribbon at the collar. Together with her leather boots and the brown suitcase in hand, her overall look gives her an air of mystery. This distinctive appearance isn’t merely for style; it’s her way of embracing cosplay. Combining the words “costume” and “play,” cosplay is an art form in which participants dress up as specific characters, usually at anime conventions. It not only involves