Continued from yesterday(延續自昨日)
Like the African town of Kolmanskop, Hashima Island near Nagasaki, Japan, is another abandoned location that has become popular with tourists. Also known as Battleship Island because its shape somewhat resembles a military ship, Hashima was the site of an important coal mine discovered in 1887. It was bought by the Japanese company Mitsubishi in 1890, and after that, many buildings and industries were set up. The population grew as more workers were needed on the small island and reached a peak of over 5,000 in 1959. Today, Hashima is mostly deserted, visited only by tourists and possibly ghosts that many believe represent the memories of Hashima’s dark past.
Photo: AdobeStock I 照片:AdobeStock
Prisoners were forced to work on the island from 1930 to just after World War II. The prisoners referred to the place as Jail Island or even Hell Island due to its harsh conditions. Perhaps because of this history, some believe Hashima is haunted. Fishermen reported sightings of lights going on and off in the old, damaged buildings despite the lack of electricity.
In some ways, what happened to Hashima is similar to the events that occurred in Kolmanskop. In the latter’s case, diamonds became harder and harder to find. As for Hashima, the mines started running out of coal in 1974, causing people to leave the island. Today, both serve as sightseeing locations. Once packed with miners but now silent with memories, these places offer those with a keen interest in the mysteries of the past a glimpse into a forgotten world.
跟非洲城鎮卡曼斯科一樣,日本長崎附近的端島也是另一個在遊客之間很有人氣的廢棄地點。端島因其形狀有點像一艘軍艦,所以也被稱為軍艦島,端島是1887年發現的一個重要煤礦的所在地。其於1890年被日本三菱公司買下,此後設立了許多建築和產業。這座小島需要更多的工人,人口因而隨之增長,並在 1959 年達到了超過五千人的高峰。如今,端島幾乎杳無人煙,只有遊客來訪,以及可能有鬼魂造訪,許多人認為這些鬼魂代表了端島黑暗過往的記憶。
Photo: AdobeStock I 照片:AdobeStock
What Did You Learn?
1. Which phrase in the Day 1 passage means “assemble or reconstruct something by gathering various parts”?(簡答)
2. Based on the information provided, who reported encountering ghosts on Hashima?(簡答)
3. Choose the correct statements about the two abandoned places. (多選題)
(A) Prisoners were once forced to work in both towns.
(B) They have both transformed into tourist attractions.
(C) The Germans controlled them both before World War II.
(D) Efforts are in place to protect the history of Kolmanskop.
(E) Hashima is called Hell Island due to an active volcano there.
(F) Kolmanskop has recently seen a new life thanks to the discovery of an ancient city.
1. piece together / Piece together.
2. fishermen / Fishermen.
3. (B), (D)
Word in Use
1. location n. 地方,位置
The Great Barrier Reef is a location that supports a variety of ocean creatures.
2. resemble vt. 和……相像∕相似
The clouds in the sky sometimes resemble familiar shapes and objects.
3. site n. 地點
This park is the site of numerous community events and gatherings.
4. mine n. 礦(井)
With the world’s largest copper mine, the country exports the resource in vast quantities.
Practical Phrases
1. set up... / set... up 設立……
The company decided to set up a new branch downtown.
2. refer to A as B 稱呼 A 為 B
Historians often refer to the medieval period as the Age of Knights.
3. run out of... 耗盡……
The car ran out of gas and stopped in the middle of the highway.
4. serve as... 當作……
The community center can serve as a shelter during emergencies.
5. be packed with... 擠滿……
The concert hall was packed with excited fans.
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