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一般講到「短缺」時,最常用shortage來形容,如去年的water shortage「缺水」、electricity/power shortage「缺電」。而現在全台面臨的就是一個egg shortage「蛋荒」。
Taiwan’s daily egg demand is about 24 million, while its daily production capacity during the shortage has been about 22.6 million eggs.
shortage和shortfall的差別在於shortfall指的是「不足的(量)、缺額、短少的量」,簡單來說,fall short of…就是「短缺…」的意思。
Our sales have fallen short of the target set by the department.
insufficient (adj)「不足,短少」在TOEIC測驗中經常出現,deficit (n)則可以解釋為「赤字、虧損」。
The bank just informed us that there were insufficient funds to make the transfer.
另一個較難的單字是scarcity (n)「缺乏、不足、稀少」,形容詞為scarce (adj)。
The government decided to import eggs from other countries to address the scarcity.
The cold weather has been to blame, for some, and for others, the impact of avian influenza, climate instability, and rising international prices for materials.
instability (n)「不穩定」,相反字為stability (n)、stable(adj)「穩定」,都是多益測驗高頻出現的單字。
Maintaining stability in the Taiwan Strait is important to a lot of countries.
如要將stability當動詞使用,加上動詞字尾「-ize」即可,會變成stabilize (v)。
The Executive Yuan announced that the government would waive a 5 percent business tax for importers of soybeans, wheat and corn to stabilize chicken feed prices, the council said.
stabilize prices「穩定物價」,跟價格搭配使用的詞有很多,關於本次蛋荒的新聞,就常看到freeze prices「凍漲」、raise/lift prices「漲價」。
The government decided to give farmers compensation for freezing the prices.
希望這次缺蛋的狀況能夠儘快落幕,民眾們也不再需要跑到各賣場找蛋(egg hunt)。最後來看看和蛋相關的英文片語或諺語。
1. 提到找蛋,第一個想到的就是尋找復活節彩蛋(Easter egg),而easter egg也引申為「意想不到的驚喜」,因此許多電影中加入一些刻意安排的巧思,讓影迷能夠在觀影過程中尋找蛛絲馬跡,享受意外發現的樂趣,也就稱為「電影彩蛋」。
Gina made a video talking about hidden Easter eggs in some popular Disney movies.
2. to put all your eggs in one basket字面上解釋為「把全部的蛋放在一個籃子裡」,引申為「孤注一擲」的意思。
When it comes to investing, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. You need to diversify your portfolio.
1. We _____ on eggshells since the new sales manager came last month.
(A) walk (B) have been walking (C) have walking (D) were walking
2. Oil prices _____ during the outbreak since a lot of people started teleworking.
(A) deficient (B) fell short of (C) scarce (D) slumped
1. 正解為(B)。句意為「自從上個月新的業務經理來了後,我們一直都很小心翼翼。」本題是要選擇適合空格的時態,句子中判斷時態的關鍵詞是since「自從」,常與完成式一同使用,故(B) 是正確答案。walk on eggshells代表「小心翼翼」的意思。
2. 正解為(D)。句意為「油價在疫情期間 _____ 因為許多人開始遠距工作。」本題為單字文法題,要選擇符合句意的單字和文法。(A)不足的,(B)短少,(C)缺少的,(D)暴跌。故(D)是正確答案。
SOURCE: https://www.englishok.com.tw/toeic/toeic-issue/egg-shortage
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A: Who else is on Billboard’s list: “The 25 greatest pop stars of the 21st Century?” B: No. 15 to 6 are: Miley Cyrus, Justin Timberlake, Nicki Minaj, Eminem, Usher, Adele, Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, Kanye West and Britney Spears. A: I can’t believe that Adele’s only at No. 10. B: No. 5 to 1 are: Lady Gaga, Drake, Rihanna, Taylor Swift and Beyonce. A: Well, they surely deserve the honor. A: 《告示牌》雜誌的「21世紀最偉大的25位流行歌手」,還有誰上榜啊? B: 第15至6名是:麥莉希拉、大賈斯汀、妮姬米娜、阿姆、亞瑟小子、愛黛兒、亞莉安娜、小賈斯汀、肯伊威斯特、小甜甜布蘭妮。 A: 真不敢相信愛黛兒只排第10名。 B: 第5至1名是:女神卡卡、德瑞克、蕾哈娜、泰勒絲、碧昂絲。 A: 這幾位真是實至名歸! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
A: The 21st Century is now entering its 25th year. B: So Billboard has released a list: “The 25 greatest pop stars of the 21st Century.” A: Who are the greatest pop singers? B: No. 25 to 16 are: Katy Perry, Ed Sheeran, Bad Bunny, One Direction, Lil Wayne, Bruno Mars, BTS, The Weeknd, Shakira and Jay-Z. A: Wow, my favorite K-pop supergroup BTS has made it to the list. A: 21世紀正在邁入第25個年頭了。 B: 《告示牌》雜誌特別公布:「21世紀最偉大的25位流行歌手」。 A: 最偉大的歌手有哪些? B: 第25至16名是:凱蒂佩芮、紅髮艾德、壞痞兔、1世代、小韋恩、火星人布魯諾、防彈少年團(BTS)、威肯、夏奇拉、Jay-Z。 A: 哇,我最愛的韓流天團BTS也上榜了! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)