最近兩部備受討論的電影《媽的多重宇宙》與《奇異博士2:失控多重宇宙》都以multiverse「多重宇宙」的概念為主軸。尤其由楊紫瓊主演的《媽的多重宇宙》更是受到極高評價,電影中主角Evelyn雙眉之間的玩具眼睛、熱狗手指都成為經典一幕。本次就讓我們從國外娛樂新聞網站Screen Rant對這部電影的介紹,來認識多益相關的重要字彙吧!
multiverse 多重宇宙
Everything Everywhere All at Once follows the story of Evelyn Wang, a laundromat owner who is in the midst of getting audited by the IRS. When she discovers that she has the ability to access parallel universes, she must connect with her multiverse selves in order to save them all from destruction. (screenrant.com)
Photo courtesy of Disney 照片:迪士尼提供
multiverse 代表「多重宇宙」,字首「multi-」有many、much的意思,多益測驗中常見的單字有 multiple「多的,多種的」、multitask「多工」、multivitamin「綜合維他命」、multimedia「多媒體」。
According to a recent study, multitasking doesn’t lead to better work efficiency as we previously thought.
There are multiple solutions to the problem we are facing.
I can’t really sing the song since I only remember the first verse of the song.
字根「vers-」有 turning「轉」的意思,例如anniversary「周年」就是時間上又轉了一年, converse「對話」是兩方輪流講話,以及reverse「反轉」等。
Our company’s 25th anniversary celebration will be held next Saturday.
The damage caused by lead paint is irreversible.
IRS 國稅局
在《媽的多重宇宙》中,我們看到楊紫瓊所飾演的Evelyn 面對著桌上滿滿的收據,焦頭爛額的樣子,尤其是在面對IRS「國稅局」稅務員時焦慮的模樣更是讓觀眾感同身受。 IRS是Internal Revenue Service 的縮寫,internal (adj)「內部的」、revenue (n)「收入」和audit (v, n)「查帳,審計」都是多益測驗中高頻出現的字彙。
Most countries do not want to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs.
Our revenue has increased by 20% since we launched a new product last year.
Please let me know when the auditor is here.
parallel universe 平行宇宙
在電影中,多重宇宙所包含的各個宇宙又被稱為parallel universe「平行宇宙」,parallel (adj, n)指的是「平行的」,在多益測驗中會以形容詞unparalleled「無比的」形式出現。
The skills and the work of Hong Kong tailors are unparalleled.
這部電影中讓我們對多元宇宙的概念有極大想像,如同Evelyn的女兒在電影中說到The universe is so much bigger than you realize.,而或許我們面臨的是個infinite multiverse「無限的多元宇宙」。
infinite (adj) 「無限的」相反詞是finite (adj),日常中更常見的單字為definite (adj)「肯定的」。
The possibilities seem infinite.
We were so impressed by the services you provided. We will definitely recommend you to other companies.
1. Due to the recent surge of confirmed cases, the concerts ________ indefinitely.
(A) postpone
(B) are postponing
(C) have been postponed
(D) have postponed
2. These documents are for ________ use only, so it’s better to place them in the filing cabinet.
(A) inferior (B) interior
(C) integral (D) internal
1. 正解(C)。語意為「因為最近確診案例暴增,演唱會將無限期延期」,由於concerts為主詞,演唱會被延期要選擇被動型態,故(C)為正確答案。
2. 正解(D)。語意為「這些文件僅供內部使用,所以最好放在檔案櫃裡。」本題為單字題,要選擇適合句意的單字。(A)自卑的,(B)內部的、國內的,(C)不可缺少的,(D)體內的、內部。故(D)為正確答案。
Source: https://www.englishok.com.tw/toeic/toeic-issue/multiverse-movie
文章由 English OK 授權使用: www.englishok.com.tw
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對話 Dialogue 清清:今天中午我要多吃一點,不然晚上可能會吃不飽。 Qīngqing: Jīntiān zhōngwǔ wǒ yào duō chī yìdiǎn, bùrán wǎnshàng kěnéng huì chībùbǎo. 華華:怎麼了?為什麼會吃不飽? Huáhua: Zěnmele? Wèishénme huì chībùbǎo? 清清:今天大年初七,是「人日節」,傳統上結了婚的女兒要回家給父母送長壽麵,而且最好是素的,我姐姐會回來,只吃素麵,我應該很快就餓了。 Qīngqing: Jīntiān Dànián chūqī, shì “Rénrì jié,” chuántǒng shàng jiéle hūn de nǚ’ér yào huíjiā gěi fùmǔ sòng chángshòumiàn, érqiě zuìhǎo shì sù de, wǒ jiějie huì huílái, zhǐ chī sùmiàn, wǒ yīnggāi hěn kuài jiù èle. 華華:我還是第一次聽說有「人日節」呢!這是怎麼來的啊? Huáhua: Wǒ háishì dì yī cì tīngshuō yǒu “Rénrì jié” ne! Zhè shì zěnme lái de a? 清清:老一輩的人說,女媧是在第七天造出了「人」,所以今天可說是我們每個人的「生日」呢!生日快樂! Qīngqing: Lǎoyíbèi de rén shuō, Nǚwā shì zài dì qī tiān zào chūle “rén,” suǒyǐ jīntiān kěshuōshì wǒmen měi ge rén de “shēngrì” ne! Shēngrì kuàilè! 華華:你也是啊!欸?那前六天女媧都做了什麼呢? Huáhua: Nǐ yěshì a! Éi? Nà