A: Actually, according to government data, Taiwan’s economic growth reached 6 percent last year.
B: Then, how come salaries have seen negative growth?
A: That’s because the economic growth is concentrated among only a few industries: the semiconductor industry alone accounts for nearly one-fifth of the nation’s GDP.
Photo: Tsai Shu-yuan, Liberty Times 照片︰自由時報蔡淑媛
B: No wonder everyone is so indifferent toward the economic growth.
A: 其實根據政府的統計,台灣去年經濟成長率高達百分之六耶。
B: 那薪水怎麼會負成長?
A: 因為經濟成長過度集中在某些產業上,光是半導體業就佔了台灣的GDP將近五分之一。
B: 難怪大家對所謂的經濟成長這麼無感。
(Translated by Edward Jones, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
Audio recordings for Speak Up! dialogues will be suspended until further notice due to the pandemic.
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