A: Wow, there are so many lenses in this box! This is hilarious, my eyes look so big when I put this on!
B: That’s a convex lens, it’s for far-sighted people. For short-sightedness you need to wear concave lenses.
A: These plastic frames are a little too thick; they make me look like a bookworm.
Photo: Pixabay 照片:Pixabay
B: Perhaps you could try these titanium alloy frames. They’re really light, and if you bend them, they won’t lose their shape.
A: I’m also wondering whether I should wear contacts.
B: You could. You can choose from soft ones or hard ones, and daily or monthly disposable ones.
A: 哇,這箱子裡有好多鏡片喔!哈哈這個好好笑,戴這個眼睛會變好大!
B: 那是凸透鏡,是遠視才需要戴的。近視眼要戴的是凹透鏡。
A: 這個塑膠鏡框有點太厚重,我戴這個看起來很像書呆子。
B: 不然你也可以試試這副鈦合金鏡架,它很輕,而且你去折它也不會變形。
A: 我也在考慮是不是要戴隱形眼鏡。
B: 也可以啊!看你要軟式的還是硬式的,日拋還是月拋的。
(Translated by Paul Cooper, Taipei Times/台北時報林俐凱)
Audio recordings for Speak Up! dialogues will be suspended until further notice due to the pandemic.
The chimney cake is a beloved treat with a rich history in Hungary and Romania. While written references to the cake appeared as early as the late 17th century, the earliest known recipe from 1784 is __1__ a noblewoman named Maria Mikes, who wrote about dough wrapped around a spit. Legend has it, however, that the existence of this delicacy actually goes much further back in time, to the Mongol invasion of the 13th century. The cake’s iconic hollow, cylindrical shape, which is reminiscent of a chimney, is achieved by wrapping yeast dough around a wooden spit and roasting
A: I remember that the late pop diva Whitney Houston’s 1985 debut album “Whitney Houston” is a diamond album, meaning it sold over 10 million units in the US. B: Her 1987 album “Whitney” and 1992 soundtrack “The Bodyguard” have also reached diamond status, making her the only black singer with three diamond albums. A: Many people think that her songs are difficult to sing. B: I challenge you to sing her megahit “I Will Always Love You” at tonight’s karaoke party. A: OK, challenge accepted. A: 我記得流行天后惠妮休斯頓的1985年出道專輯《惠妮休斯頓》還是一張鑽石唱片呢,表示在美國狂賣超過1千萬張。 B: 她1987年的次張專輯《惠妮》、1992年的電影《終極保鑣》原聲帶也獲得鑽石唱片認證,使她成為唯一擁有3張鑽石唱片的黑人歌手! A: 而許多人覺得她的歌都很難唱。 B: 那我挑戰你在今晚的KTV派對唱她的名曲《我將永遠愛你》。 A: 好啊我接受你的挑戰。 (By Eddy
A: Any plans for Valentine’s Day tomorrow? B: I’ll go to karaoke with a group of fans to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the late pop diva Whitney Houston’s debut. A: Sounds like fun. B: She released her eponymous album “Whitney Houston” on Feb. 14, 1985, launching a glorious career that spanned over four decades. A: Can I join you for karaoke? A: 明天情人節你要幹嘛? B: 我要和一群歌迷去KTV,慶祝流行天后惠妮休斯頓出道40週年! A: 哇好像很好玩。 B: 她在1985年2月14日發行同名專輯《惠妮休斯頓》,並開啟了輝煌的40年演藝生涯。 A: 我能跟你一起去KTV嗎? (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
In early September 2024, Time magazine released its list of the “100 Most Influential People in AI 2024,” and among the prominent figures are three Taiwanese entrepreneurs. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) Chairman and CEO C.C. Wei, Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang, and Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD) Chair and CEO Lisa Su were each featured. The list, divided into four categories—Leaders, Innovators, Shapers, and Thinkers—highlights what sets these individuals apart from their peers in the field of artificial intelligence. Both Wei and Huang were placed in the Leaders category, joining the heads of Google, OpenAI, Meta, and Microsoft. Wei