Chinese practice
to have fully-formed bamboo in the mind
Photo: Wikimedia Commons
(xiong1 you3 cheng2 zhu2)
英文中有一個說法「winging it」,其概念(至少是表面上的概念)和「胸有成竹」恰恰相反。
「to wing指的是不知道台詞卻仍能演出該角色。之所以使用wing這個字,是因為藝人常需要提詞人的幫助,提詞人藏身之處便是在布景後面或在舞台側翼。」
雖然「winging it」這個說法源自英國,但把它當作成語來用的可能是美國人──美國《君子》雜誌在一九五九年將「to wing」定義為「做事沒有準備」。
(She had been studying for this exam for ages, and was throughly prepared and brimming with confidence.)
(The coach had thoroughly prepared the team, and the final result was just as he’d hoped: They were victorious.)
to wing it
The Northern Song Dynasty poet, calligrapher and statesman Su Shi (1037 – 1101), also known as Su Dongpo, wrote, in his 1079 work On Wen Yuke Painting the Bamboo Grove of Yun Dang Valley, the following:
“When painting bamboo, it is imperative to first have the bamboo fully formed in one’s mind, that, in wielding the brush, one can previsualize what it is one intends to paint. The execution is immediate; the brush is instantaneously placed on the silk to render there what has been previsualized, as a falcon swooping the moment the hare emerges, where the moment is lost with the slightest hesitation.”
The Wen Yuke of the title was Su’s friend and cousin, Wen Tong (1019–1079), a renowned scholar, artist and calligrapher, famous now for his work Bamboo in Monochrome Ink. It was said that Wen had an intimate knowledge and understanding of bamboo: That he lived within a bamboo grove, that in his spare time he would stroll among the bamboo, observing the way it grew, the shape and position of the leaves and the minutiae of their interaction with the twigs and stalks, and even how the shoots grew. On returning to his house, he would immediately commit his observations to paper with his ink brush, painting incredibly faithful renditions of bamboo. As Su wrote, Wen had 成竹於胸中 (the bamboo fully formed in his mind), giving us the idiom 胸有成竹, meaning to approach a task thoroughly prepared.
In English, there is the concept of “winging it,” which – at least on its surface – means the opposite of 胸有成竹.
The wing here refers not to that of a bird, plane or building, but the area on either side of the stage in the theater that is out of sight. When actors, for whatever reason, had not committed their lines to memory, they would stand in the wings quickly preparing them, or go on stage and be prompted from the wings.
In an 1885 edition of the British magazine The Stage, the verb was defined thus:
“’To wing’... indicates the capacity to play a role without knowing the text, and the word itself came into use from the fact that the artiste frequently received the assistance of a special prompter, who... stood... screened by a piece of the scenery or a wing.”
Despite the British theatrical origins of “winging it,” it may have been the Americans that made it idiomatic, with Esquire defining “to wing” in 1959 as “to do something without preparation.”
We might “wing” a presentation, interview or class by going into the situation with little prior preparation. However, as the Stage definition indicates, even though there is no preparation as such, there is a suggestion of a learned skill or a certain degree of experience on the part of the person “winging it” to ensure their success.
(Paul Cooper, Taipei Times)
This speech could define your career. It’s not something you should just wing.
Let’s not book a hotel. Can’t we just turn up and wing it?
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