The largest cash prize for first place in contests being held across the nation for throwing divination blocks, or jiao, will be given at Greater Tainan’s Matsu Temple in Luermen, with a NT$2 million (US$67,751) cash prize for the champion in its “Enterprise Fund Divination Block Throwing Contest,” in which a total of NT$3 million (US$101,606) will be given away. Starting on the first day of the Lunar New Year, more than 12,000 people had already participated in the contest as of last Tuesday, 500 of whom are already qualified to participate in the finals. The winner last year beat a total of 14,000 contestants, throwing a total of seven shengjiao, or divine answer positions, meaning the querent receives a “yes” answer to their question.
The temple’s committee chairman, Wang Tseng-jung, said this is the temple’s third year of holding the contest, which began on the first day of the Lunar New Year, or Jan. 23, and will last until the last day of the first lunar month, or Feb. 21. After paying NT$300 (US$10) to participate in the contest, you can then compete to see who throws the most shengjiao. If you throw five or more, you are allowed to participate in the finals, which will be held on the second day of the second lunar month, or Feb. 23. First prize is NT$2 million, the second prize is NT$500,000 (US$16,938), and the third prize is NT$300,000 (US$10,163). There will also be two lucky draws of NT$100,000 (US$3,388) each.
Photo: Tsai Wen-cheng, Liberty Times
主委王增榮表示,聖母廟「創業基金擲筊大賽」今年是第三年,從農曆大年初一進行到月底,參加民眾繳了三百元後(十美元),就可以比誰擲出的聖筊最多,凡擲出五杯以上者均可參加農曆二月二日的決賽,頭獎兩百萬元、貳獎五十萬元(一萬六千九百三十八美元)、參獎三十萬元(一萬一百六十三美元),另有開運獎二名十萬元(三千三百八十八 美元)。
Photo: Yang Yi-min, Liberty Times
Photo: Su Fu-nan, Liberty Times
Photo: Tsai Wen-chu, Liberty Times
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本文由生成式 AI 協作,本刊編輯編修 Striking a balance between taste and health can be difficult, especially for those who appreciate Asian food. Many Asian dishes are high in sodium, which can be harmful to health, including increasing the risk of hypertension and stroke. In Japan, this problem is especially severe, with the average adult __1__ about 10 grams of salt per day, double the amount recommended by the World Health Organization. While many people seek healthier choices, __2__ salt can often leave food tasting bland, which makes low-sodium diets difficult to maintain. A Japanese compa ny has developed a __3__ utensil that makes
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