In the past police had a reputation for writing a lot of traffic tickets, giving the impression they are not only cops, but robbers, too. They are keen to eradicate this image, and the number of tickets given out by policemen has been continuing to fall. According to statistics from the National Police Agency (NPA), people received just over 8.5 million traffic tickets in 2010, about 1.02 million less than the previous year. This figure marks a record low compared to the last few years.
According to the statistics, the number of category A1 traffic accidents — those in which the victims die within 24 hours — fell by 45 compared to 2009. The NPA said this was because policemen were, on the one hand, cracking down on serious traffic violations, and on the other adopting a policy of persuasion rather than punishment. When it comes to minor traffic violations they favor persuasion. This means that the number of both A1 traffic accidents and traffic tickets have fallen.
Lately the NPA has been reminding police again and again to only hand out tickets when it helps to improve traffic. It also emphasized the fact that tickets are reviewed, and that it reflects badly on senior officers when tickets are given out when they shouldn’t have been, especially in particularly conspicuous or unusual cases. It uses a series of measures to train police in when tickets should be given out. We are seeing less of the kind of glaring mistakes of the past.
Photo: Tsai Wei-chi, liberty times 照片:自由時報記者蔡偉祺
It is understood that nationwide the police used to give out nearly 20 million traffic tickets a year, opening them up to criticism from the public that they were ripping people off. Since then the police have changed their approach. They no longer use hidden cameras, and the number of tickets has been falling since 2003, dropping to around 10.69 million tickets in 2004. This figure was pretty consistent for the next few years, but fell below 10 million for the first time in 2009.
The police gave out 8,549,228 tickets in 2010, a fall of 1,026,013 compared to the 9,575,241 given out in 2009, representing a drop of over 10 percent. Looking at it more closely, the majority, more than 2.3 million, were speeding tickets, followed by those for illegal parking, accounting for around 1.7 million tickets. Third was for running traffic lights, for which more than 1.29 million were given.
Police statistics show that the highest number of tickets, 1.9 million, were given out by police in Taipei City, followed by those in New Taipei City, at 1.1 million, and then those given out by the National Highway Police Bureau (NHPB), in third place with more than 700,000 tickets.
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