歡迎閱讀《週日科學版》!我們每週日都要為你介紹可以在家中進行的有趣科學實驗。你可以在《科學日誌》中 記錄自己做了哪些活動,這樣就可以將所學的紀錄下來,比較這些結果,也許還可以利用它們來設計新的實驗!先看一下《科學日誌》的點子再開始吧。展開實驗之前,記得要獲得大人許可喔!
What would you do if you were trapped on a deserted island and there was no clean water to drink? You'd have to make a water filter!
What you will need:
A water bottle
A pitcher
Scissors or a knife
Cooking oil
★ Have an adult help you cut the water bottle into half horizontally.
★ Rinse the cotton, gravel and sand.
★ Put some of the cotton into the top half of the water bottle you cut into two.
★ Put some of the gravel on top of the cotton.
★ Put some of the sand on top of the gravel.
★ Make some dirty water in the pitcher. Use tap water, and add things like cooking oil and dirt.
★ Use the bottom half of the water bottle you cut into two to collect water. Pour some of the dirty water into your filter.
★ The water that comes out of the filter should be much cleaner than the dirty water you poured in (note that it might not be crystal clear). No matter how clean the water looks, however, don't drink it (unless you really are trapped on a deserted island and you have no other water). Don't forget to record your observations in your science journal.
★ 請一個大人幫你把水瓶橫向剪成一半。
★ 將棉花、小碎石和沙子沖洗一下。
★ 將若干棉花放入你剛剪成兩半的瓶子上半截。
★ 在棉花上放一些小碎石。
★ 在小碎石上放一些沙子。
★ 在大水壺裡裝自來水,再加入一些像是沙拉油、泥土的東西製造出髒水。
★ 用你剛剪成兩半的水瓶下半截裝水,然後把髒水倒入你的濾水器中。
★ 從濾水器流出來的水應該比你倒入的髒水乾淨許多(注意:可能不是完全清澈的淨水);無論倒出來的水看起來有多乾淨,請不要拿來喝(除非你真的被困在荒島,附近沒有其他水源)。別忘了在《科學日誌》裡記下你的觀察。
In the digital age, where communication revolves around text messages, “telephone phobia” (also known as “telephobia”) has become increasingly common, especially among young adults. Despite the ubiquity of smartphones, a significant number of individuals experience anxiety when __1__ making or receiving a phone call. Telephobia, in essence, is a fear or reluctance related to speaking on the phone. __2__ other communication methods, phone conversations require spontaneous responses and lack visual feedback such as body language and facial expressions. In such a real-time situation, telephobia sufferers are concerned about their inability to respond or express themselves appropriately, which can lead
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本文由生成式 AI 協作,本刊編輯編修 Striking a balance between taste and health can be difficult, especially for those who appreciate Asian food. Many Asian dishes are high in sodium, which can be harmful to health, including increasing the risk of hypertension and stroke. In Japan, this problem is especially severe, with the average adult __1__ about 10 grams of salt per day, double the amount recommended by the World Health Organization. While many people seek healthier choices, __2__ salt can often leave food tasting bland, which makes low-sodium diets difficult to maintain. A Japanese compa ny has developed a __3__ utensil that makes
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