Everyone knows that bubbles are great fun. But have you ever seen an anti-bubble? This week we're going to show how to create anti-bubbles. This experiment is best done by a well-lit sink. It will be best if you read "What's the Science" before you try the experiment.
What you will need:
A large jar
A bowl
Dish detergent
A chopstick (for stirring)
A pippette (bigger is better), or the pump/chamber from a syringe (get the chemist to remove and dispose of the needle for you). An empty, clean squeezy plastic bottle would work too.
Food coloring (optional)
▲ Fill the jar with cold tap water.
▲ Add several squirts of dish detergent.
▲ Stir the solution gently.
▲ Put some warm water in a bowl and add a couple of squirts of dish detergent. If you are going to use food coloring add a drop now. Stir gently.
▲ Take the pippette and squeeze out as much air as you can.
▲ Place the end of the pippette in the water in the bowl, release your grip and let it fill with water. Put the pippette aside.
▲ Very gently pour a little extra water into the jar. You don't want to make any soap bubbles! The jar should overflow.
▲ Take the pippette and hold it just above the surface of the water in the jar. Gently squeeze the pippette. Keep practicing until you are making little drops of water that skate across the surface.
▲ When you have got the knack of making the skating drops, try following the gentle squeeze which makes a skating drop with a slightly stronger squeeze. This should make the drop go under the surface to make an antibubble. Be patient, making antibubbles takes practice! (catherine Thomas, staff writer)
▲ 在瓶中裝滿自來水。
▲ 加入數滴洗碗精。
▲ 輕輕攪拌溶液。
▲ 在碗中裝入一些溫水,加入幾滴洗碗精。若你準備了食用色素,現在可以加入一滴,然後輕輕攪拌。
▲ 拿起滴管,盡可能將滴管中的空氣擠出。
▲ 將滴管尾端放到裝溫水的碗中,將緊握的手鬆開一點,讓滴管吸滿水後,置於一旁備用。
▲ 非常輕柔地再加一些水到瓶中,注意不要讓瓶中產生肥皂泡!讓瓶子的水滿到溢出來。
▲ 拿起滴管,將其尾端置於瓶口的水面上方。輕輕地擠壓空氣頭,多做練習,直到你擠出的小水滴能夠滑過水面。
▲ 當你抓到如何做出滑行水滴的訣竅後,試著稍微用力一點點擠壓滴管,擠出來的水滴應該會沉到水面下,如此就成功做出「反泡泡」囉!要有耐心、多練習才能製作出「反泡泡」!(翻譯:袁星塵)
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