Magic Dance -- Irish Tap Dance (魔力之舞 -- 愛爾蘭踢踏舞劇). Taipei International Convention Center (台北國際會議中心), 1, Xinyi Rd, Sec 5, Taipei (台北市信義路五段1號) tonight and tomorrow; National Chiang Kai-shek Cultural Center, Kaohsiung City (高雄中正文化中心), 67, Wufu 1st Rd, Kaohsiung City (高雄市五福一路67號) on Sunday.
● Tickets NT$400 to NT$3,000 for Taipei; NT$400 to NT$2,400 for Kaohsiung, through ERA ticketing.
● Tonight and Sunday at 7:30pm; tomorrow at 7:30pm
House of Flying Daggers (十面埋伏), a Chinese musical on the love between Princess Yu (虞姬) and the ruler of the Chu kingdom Xiang Yu (項羽). Metropolitan Hall (城市舞台), 25 Bade Rd, Sec 3, Taipei (台北市八德路三段25號).
● Tickets NT$200 to NT$1,200, through NTCH.
● Tonight and Sunday at 7:30pm; tomorrow at 2:30pm and 7:30pm
Maze -- A Mega Fantasy Children Show (迷宮 -- 大型魔幻兒童劇), a theatrical Chinese version of Harry Potter. Family Theater (台北市立親子劇場), 2F, 1, Shifu Rd, Taipei (台北市市府路1號2樓).
●Tickets NT$600 to NT$2,000, through NTCH.
●Tonight at 7:30pm; tomorrow and Sunday at 2:30pm and 7:30pm
The Hero Lost (英雄密碼) by M.O.V.E. Theater Group, as part of the 2006 International Theater Festival. National Experimental Theater (國家實驗劇場).
●Tickets NT$500, through NTCH.
●Tonight, tomorrow at 7:30pm, Sunday at 2:30pm.
Human Condition II -- Those Men in Her Life (她與她生命中的男人), a theatrical performance written and directed by Taiwan director Wu Nien-Jen (吳念真). Taichung Zhongshan Hall (台中市中山堂), 98, Hsuehshi Rd, Taichung City (台中市學士路98號).
●Tickets NT$350 to NT$1,600, through ERA ticketing.
●Tomorrow at 2:30pm and 7:30pm
The Legend of the Island (島嶼神話), a modern dance piece by the Lan Yang Dance Company. Hsinchu Municipal Auditorium (新竹市立演藝廳), 17, Tungta Rd, Sec 2, Hsinchu City (新竹市東大路二段17號).
●Tickets NT$300 to NT$800, through ERA ticketing.
●Tomorrow at 7:30pm
Dance Shoe III (點子鞋系列III) by Kaohsiung City Ballet. Crown Art Center Theater (皇冠小劇場), B1, 50, Ln 120, Dunhua N Rd, Taipei (台北市敦化北路120巷50號B1).
●Tickets NT$400, through NTCH
●Tomorrow at 2:30pm and 7:30pm
Andrew Lloyd Webber -- Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor (安德魯洛依韋伯 -- 約瑟夫的神奇彩衣), a musical by Taipei Philharmonic Children's Choir and Taipei Philharmonic Theater.
●Tickets NT$300 to NT$1,200, through NTCH.
●Tomorrow at 3pm and 7:30pm; Sunday at 1:30pm and 4:30pm.
Weekend Tea: Taiwan's Spring Operatic Troupe (假日茶館 -- 台灣春風歌劇團), featuring several Taiwanese opera pieces. Red Playhouse (紅樓劇場), 10, Chengdu Rd, Taipei (台北市成都路10號).
●Tickets NT$150. Call (02) 2311 9380.
●Sunday at 2:30pm
Shin-Ichi Fukuda Guitar Recital (福田進 -- 吉他獨奏會) featuring music from Piazzolla, Ichiro Nodaira, Giuliani among others. National Recital Hall (國家音樂廳).
●Tickets NT$360 to NT$600, through NTCH.
●Tonight at 7:30pm
NCO Elite Series -- The Feast of Pluck Music (NCO精緻系列 -- 英雄美人花月夜), with National Chinese Orchestra performing traditional Chinese music. National Recital Hall (國家演奏廳).
●Tickets NT$300 to NT$500, through NTCH.
●Tomorrow at 7:30pm
Hsu Chih-yun Oboe Recital (許芷芸雙簧管獨奏會), National Recital Hall(國家音樂廳) featuring music from Pasculliz, Bolling, Takashi Yoshimatsu among others. .
●Tickets NT$200 to NT$400, through ERA ticketing.
●Sunday at 7:30pm
2006 Canadian Symphonic Evenings (陳冠宇與謝建得之加拿大交響夜) with the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra and pianist Eric Chen, performing works by Liszt, Willan, Klein among others. National Concert Hall (國家演奏廳).
●Tickets NT$350 to NT$2,000, through ERA ticketing.
●Monsday at 7:30pm
Cehn Inn-lin Soprano Recital (陳盈伶獨唱會), featuring a selection from Romeo and Juliet and La Traviata and religious songs by Bach, Mozart among others. National Recital Hall (國家演奏廳).
●Tickets NT$200 to NT$500, through NTCH.
●Monday at 7:30pm
Hong Li-wei Vocal Recital (洪麗薇女高音獨唱會). National Recital Hall (國家演奏廳).
●Tickets NT$200 to NT$400, through ERA ticketing.
● Tuesday at 7:30pm
Fourth Gala Festival Concert (第四屆Gala盛會音樂會), featuring music from Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff among others. National Concert Hall (國家音樂廳).
●Tickets NT$300 to NT$1,000, through ERA ticketing.
●Wednesday at 7:30pm
Chou Yu-wen Cello Recital (周幼雯大提琴獨奏會), featuring music from Beethoven, Schubert, Piatigorsky among others. National Recital Hall (國家演奏廳).
●Tickets NT$250 to NT$500, through ERA ticketing.
●Wednesday at 7:45pm
Just Back From Germany Series of Concerts No VI (我剛從德國回來系列音樂會第六場), a choral performance featuring works from local composers. German Cultural Center Taipei (台北德國文化中心), 12F, 20 Hoping W Rd, Sec 1, Taipei (台北市和平西路一段20號12樓).
●Freee admission. Call (02) 2365 7294.
●Thursday at 7:30pm
Rock, Pop and Jazz
The Care Tour Charity Concert (關懷之旅慈善音樂會). featuring pop music and folk songs. Novel Hall (新舞台), 3-1 Sungshou Rd, Taipei (台北市松壽路3-1號)
● Free tickets required in advance. Call (02) 2596 6562
● Sunday at 4pm
Franz and Friends (城市舞台藝文沙龍) features classic jazz by Idea House Band every Sunday, classical Western love songs every Tuesday and Wednesday. 25, Bade Rd, Sec 3, Taipei (台北市八德路三段25號).
● Freee admission. Call (02) 2579 0558.
● All shows begin at 9pm
The Wall (這牆) presents Tong En (同恩) and Liu Jia (六甲) tonight; Green!Eye, Peppermint Leaves (薄荷葉), Smol and Honey's tomorrow; Rambo, hardcore punk act from the US on Sunday; Tube and Jacuzzi on Wednesday; Nirvana (盤古) and Infernal Chaos on Thursday. B1, 200, Roosevelt Rd, Sec 4, Taipei (台北市羅斯福路四段200號B1).
● Entrance NT$400 for tonight and tomorrow; NT$300 for Sunday.
Call (02) 2930 0162
● Tonight and tomorrow at 8pm; Sunday at 7pm
Riverside Cafe (河岸留言) presents J.E.G Jazz Band (這個爵士樂團) tonight; Monroe (夢露) and Pepper Cats (胡椒貓) tomorrow; Mojo Album Release Party on Sunday; Green!Eye and Honey Lemon Tea Jinx from Japan on Tuesday; Smile Egg and 88 Guava Seeds (88顆芭樂籽) on Wednesday; A Night with Neon on Thursday. B1, 2, Ln 244, Roosevelt Rd, Sec 3, Taipei (台北市羅斯福路三段244巷2號B1).
Entrance NT$350 on weekends; NT$300 on weekdays.
Call (02) 2368 7310.
● All shows begin at 9:30pm
Witch House (女巫店) features Honey Lemon Tea Jinx from Japan tonight; Samingad and Am Band (紀曉君& Am樂團) tomorrow. 7, Ln 56, Xinsheng S Rd, Sec 3, Taipei (台北市新生南路三段56巷7號).
● Entrance is NT$300.
Call (02) 2362 5494.
● Shows begin at 9:30pm
The Living Room (小客廳) features Big Brass Balls Band tonight; Blues Night with Boogie Chillin' tomorrow; Mrs This (這位太太) performing indie folk songs on Tuesday; 8mm Sky (八釐米天空) on Wednesday. 3F, 8, Nanjing E Rd, Sec 5, Taipei (台北市南京東路五段8號3樓).
● Entrance NT$200 for tomorrow; NT$50 for Tuesday; NT$100 for Wednesday. Call (02) 8787 4154.
● Weekend shows begin at 10pm; Weekday shows begin at 8:30pm
Second Floor (貳樓咖啡館) presents Orange Grass (橙草) and Tube tomorrow; Music Note for the General Public (全民音符) and Lucky Pie on Sunday. 1, Xueyuen Rd, Taipei on the 2nd floor of the Guandu Arts Museum (台北市北投區學園路1號 -- 關渡美術館2樓).
● Free admission. For more information, visit or call (02) 2894 5861.
● Both shows begin at 3pm
Blue Note (藍調) features Uno Quartet (烏野薰爵士四重奏) every Tuesday; New Decision Quartet (爵心爵士樂團) every Thursday; Metamorphosis (變形蟲爵士樂團) every Friday; Jive Stakes and Gu Hao every Saturday. 4F, 171, Roosevelt Rd, Sec 3, Taipei (台北市羅斯福路三段171號4樓).
● Entrance NT$300 on weekdays and NT$350 on weekends.
Call (02) 2362 2333.
● All shows begin at 9:30pm
Yangmingshan Flower Season (陽明山花季), an annual floral festival held in Yangmingshan. For more information, visit
● Until March 26
Landscapes -- Highlights From the Permanent Collection (山水 -- 2006典藏常設展), showcasing the evolution of artistic forms, concepts and the media since the 20th century and Bamboo in the Stormy Night -- A Reflection on the Taiwanese Art During the New Culture Movement in the Japanese Era (風中勁竹 -- 日治台灣新文化運動下的藝術). Taipei Fine Arts Museum (台北市立美術館), 181, Zhongshan N Rd, Sec 3, Taipei (台北市中山北路三段181號). Call (02) 2595 7656.
● Open Tuesday to Sunday from 9:30am to 5:30pm. Exhibitions run through Oct. 22 and March 26 respectively.
Chen Zhi-ming Chair Exhibition (沉積層積 -- 陳致銘椅子創作展) and Huang Jin-chang Solo Photography Exhibition (黃金常攝影個展). Taipei Culture Center (台北市立社會教育館), 25, Bade Rd, Sec 3, Taipei (台北市八德路三段25號). Call (02) 2577 5931.
● Open Tuesday to Sunday from 9am to 5pm. Utnil March 23
The Era of Image Deciphering (時代閱圖), employing the image as a form of reading to examine our cultural level. Taiwan International Visual Arts Center (台灣國際視覺藝術中心), 1F, 29, Ln 45, Liaoning St, Taipei (台北市遼寧街45巷29號1樓). Call (02) 2773 3347.
● Open Tuesday to Friday from 11am to 7pm; Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 5pm. Until March 29
Joint Exhibition of Picture Blocks -- Handheld Dreams (繪本積木聯展 -- 手提的夢想). Pacific Cultural Foundation (太平洋文化基金會藝術中心), B1, 38, Chongqing S Rd, Sec 3, Taipei (台北市重慶南路三段38號B1).
Call (02) 2337 7155.
● Open Monday to Saturday from 10am to 5pm. Until March 31
On Five -- Joint Artwork Exhibition (On Five五人創作聯展). Hwa Kang Museum, Chinese Culture University (中國文化大學華岡博物館), 55, Hwakong Rd, Yangmingshan, Taipei
Call (02) 2861 0511.
● Open Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm. Until March 22
No Man's Land -- Pan Jia-xin Solo Exhibition (無人地帶 -- 潘家欣個展). Arts Center at Taipei City Council (台北市議會文化藝術中心), 507, Renai Rd, Sec 4, Taipei (台北市仁愛路四段507號). Call (02) 2729 7708.
● Open Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 5:30pm.
A Joint Exhibition of the Exrtraordinary Six (非凡六怪聯展), showcasing works of painting, calligraphy, photography, pottery and visual media. Starts Studio (時空藝術會場), 28, Heping E Rd, Sec 2, Taipei (台北市和平東路二段28號). Call (02) 8369 1266.
● Open Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday from 2pm to 6pm.
Until March 26
Fifty Years of Italian Fashion (時尚義大利 -- 義大利經典時尚五十年), an exhibition on the development of Italian fasion for the last 50 years. Museum of Contemporary Art (台北當代藝術館), at 39, Changan W Rd, Taipei(台北市長安西路39號).
Call (02) 2552 3721.
● Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 6pm. Until June 4
Silhouette Near the Pond -- Chen Rui-kang Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition (臨池墨影 -- 陳瑞康書畫展). National Museum of History (國立歷史博物館), 49, Nanhai Rd, Taipei (台北市南海路49號).
Call (02) 2361 0270.
● Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 6pm. Until March 19
Japan is celebrated for its exceptional levels of customer service. But the behavior of a growing number of customers and clients leaves a lot to be desired. The rise of the abusive consumer has prompted authorities in Tokyo to introduce the country’s first ordinance — a locally approved regulation — to protect service industry staff from kasuhara — the Japanese abbreviated form of “customer harassment.” While the Tokyo ordinance, which will go into effect in April, does not carry penalties, experts hope the move will highlight a growing social problem and, perhaps, encourage people to think twice before taking out their frustrations
Two years ago my wife and I went to Orchid Island off Taitung for a few days vacation. We were shocked to realize that for what it cost us, we could have done a bike vacation in Borneo for a week or two, or taken another trip to the Philippines. Indeed, most of the places we could have gone for that vacation in neighboring countries offer a much better experience than Taiwan at a much lower price. Hence, the recent news showing that tourist visits to Pingtung County’s Kenting, long in decline, reached a 27 year low this summer came
From a Brooklyn studio that looks like a cross between a ransacked Toys R Us and a serial killer’s lair, the artist David Henry Nobody Jr is planning the first survey of his career. Held by a headless dummy strung by its heels from the ceiling are a set of photographs from the turn of the century of a then 30-year-old Nobody with the former president of the US. The snapshots are all signed by Donald Trump in gold pen (Nobody supplied the pen). They will be a central piece of the New York artist’s upcoming survey in New York. This
In the tourism desert that is most of Changhua County, at least one place stands out as a remarkable exception: one of Taiwan’s earliest Han Chinese settlements, Lukang. Packed with temples and restored buildings showcasing different eras in Taiwan’s settlement history, the downtown area is best explored on foot. As you make your way through winding narrow alleys where even Taiwanese scooters seldom pass, you are sure to come across surprise after surprise. The old Taisugar railway station is a good jumping-off point for a walking tour of downtown Lukang. Though the interior is not open to the public, the exterior