A: I’m sure you just need to spend some time using the app and you’ll get the hang of it. Do you think the paid-for premium content is worth it?
B: I think some of the premium functions add value, but I’m not sure they’re necessary. You can download the map onto your phone, for example.
A: What’s the point in that?
Photo: Pixabay 照片:Pixabay
B: It means you can still access the map without staying connected to the GPS system, which drains your battery really quickly.
A: 我想你只要花時間多用用這個App,你就會熟悉它了。你覺得付費使用這些進階功能值得嗎?
B: 我覺得有些進階功能是讓它更有價值啦,但是我不確定它的必要性在哪裡。比如說,你可以把地圖下載到你的手機。
A: 為什麼要下載地圖到手機啊?
B: 這樣你不用連上GPS,就可以使用地圖。用GPS很耗電的。
(Paul Cooper, Taipei Times / 台北時報林俐凱譯)
Audio recordings for Speak Up! dialogues will be suspended until further notice due to the pandemic.
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A: The newest twist in “Friends” star Matthew Perry’s sudden death is shocking. B: Didn’t he die from a ketamine overdose last year? A: But the police say his death could be a conspiracy. B: Wow, what happened? A: Five suspects have been charged for intentionally supplying him with large amounts of ketamine for personal gain. A: 《六人行》男星馬修派瑞之死大逆轉真令人震驚! B: 他去年不是因吸毒過量致死嗎? A: 但警方說他的死可能是個陰謀。 B: 發生了什麼事? A: 警方已起訴5名嫌犯,他們故意提供大量「K他命」給他,以謀取暴利。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
「避免新冠病毒傳播」英文該怎麼說?是 to prevent the spread of Novel Coronavirus 還是 to prevent Novel Coronavirus from spreading?「避免○○○傳播」,在台灣,多數人喜歡說 to prevent something from spreading,但英文的習慣則是 to prevent the spread of something。 若用Google搜尋,可得到底下統計: “to prevent novel coronavirus from spreading” About 7 results (Google Feb. 12, 2020) “to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus” About 46,000 results 可見 to prevent the spread of something 才是道地的英文句型。2003至2004 年,禽流感在東亞多國嚴重爆發。此後,為避免禽流感傳播,台北捷運開始在各站入口立了以下標示: 為避免禽流感傳播,禁止鳥禽類動物進入車站。 To prevent bird flu virus from spreading, do not carry poultry and birds into the station. 其實,「避免禽流感傳播」,宜翻譯成 to prevent the spread of avian flu 才符合英文習慣。此外,中文的「鳥」與「禽」是兩種不同的概念,養來吃的鳥類動物叫「禽」,不稱為「鳥」;但英文的poultry 一詞,也屬於 bird 的範疇,並非中文中並列的概念。以下為聯合國糧食與農業組織對poultry 的介紹: Poultry are domesticated avian species that can be raised for eggs, meat and/or feathers. The term “poultry”covers a wide