A: What is the interaction between the robots and their human owners like?
B: Well, the robots themselves have limited emotional reactions. They cannot fall in love, and they’re not allowed to talk back, disagree or argue with their owners.
A: But I would imagine the owners form some emotional attachment to them.
B: Of course, in the same way that people get attached to their pets.
A: 那機器人和人類主人之間的互動如何?
B: 這個嘛,機器人本身的情感反應很有限,他們不能跟主人戀愛,也不准頂嘴、意見不合,或爭吵。
A: 但我可以想像主人對他們形成某種情緒依戀。
B: 當然啦!就像人們對寵物的依戀一樣吧。
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Continued from yesterday(延續自昨日) https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang Neurotechnology used to be limited to scientific labs and hospital settings. However, many new devices that can record consumers’ brainwaves or analyze the brain in other ways have been launched in recent years. Often marketed outside the realm of medical equipment, these devices evade the existing safety and privacy standards for healthcare devices. Experts are raising concerns about this lack of oversight, fearing the potential for these tools to become mind-reading devices without users’ consent or knowledge. Other US states are considering similar regulations to protect their citizens in regard to neuro data gathered by technology companies. Colorado’s
2020年4月5日報載稱政府因清明連假多人出遊、群聚,發送了「細胞簡訊」給民眾,提醒前往部分景點出遊的民眾應注意防疫。 有讀者問我「細胞簡訊」的翻譯是否正確,所謂「細胞簡訊」或「細胞廣播」,是 Cell Broadcast 字面的直譯,確實是滿奇怪的說法。在我國, Cell Broadcast 主要用於發送防災訊息以及速報給特定區域的民眾,讓他們能以最快的速度接收第一手資訊。 Cell 在生命科學裡是指「細胞」沒錯,但它的基本意思是小單位、小空間 (a basic and usually small unit/a small enclosure),因此 cell broadcast 指的是「小區域、小範圍的發送訊息」,(small sections of a geographic area of a cellular telephone system)。手機因其發射、接收訊號係透過一小區、一小區組成的 cellular network,因此叫 cellular phone/cell phone,但我們不會把 cell phone 叫做「*細胞電話」吧! 2019年已有民眾反映「細胞廣播」的譯名怪異,投書給國教院,認為以譯為「小區廣播」(中國大陸採用此翻譯)為宜。 2020年4月13日我們在國家教育研究院的「雙語詞彙審譯會」上通過將 Cell Broadcast 譯為「小區簡訊」、「小區廣播」。 2024年10月初山陀兒颱風造成北海岸嚴重水災,中央氣象署強調「當日已依監測內容發布多次預警訊息,包括五次 *細胞廣播…」顯然氣象署並未注意到國教院《樂詞網》早已公告修正為「小區簡訊」、「小區廣播」。 註:Cell Broadcast 習慣上兩個英文字皆大寫開頭。 防疫必備詞彙: 防護器具用品(一) 額溫槍 forehead thermometer 耳溫槍 ear thermometer 紅外線體溫測量儀 infrared thermometer 體溫熱像儀 thermal imaging camera 乾洗手(劑)hand sanitizer 消毒濕巾 disinfecting wipes N95 口罩 N95 respirator; N95 mask 外科口罩 surgical mask 文章由書林出版公司提供: www.bookman.com.tw 蘇正隆 — 台灣翻譯學學會前理事長、師大翻譯研究所兼任副教授; 編著《英語的對與錯》,《世紀病毒:必讀防疫英文知識與詞彙》...等