A : Have you ever thought about your individual career plan?
B : Yes. It can be divided into short-term and long-term goals.
A : Anything more specific?
B : The most important thing is continuing to study while working and having a clear plan for climbing the company ladder.
A : 你有想過個人職場生涯規劃嗎?
B : 有啊,可以細分成短期與長期目標。
A : 更詳細的內容還包括哪些?
B : 最重要的在職進修、升遷規畫一定要提出。
Floods that killed more than 200 people in eastern Spain last week were caused by a storm that dumped a year’s worth of rainfall in less than 24 hours. The tragedy has raised questions about whether earlier warnings could have prevented so many deaths, while the widespread damage shows how many cities are not adapted to withstand rainfall amplified by climate change. An extremely hot Mediterranean and warmer air temperatures exacerbated a type of storm system becoming more common in the Iberian peninsula due to global warming. Experts said that a building boom in the region in recent decades might have put
A: Have you seen the reality TV show “Culinary Class Wars?” B: Sure! It’s a competition between two classes: 20 celebrity chefs dubbed the “white spoons” versus 80 non-celebrity chefs dubbed the “black spoons.” A: The two judges are master chef, Paik Jong-won, and South Korea’s only three-Michelin-star chef, Anh Sung-jae. B: And the grand prize is $300 million Korean won. A: After watching the show, I really wanna have some Korean food. A: 你有看電視實境秀《黑白大廚:料理階級大戰》嗎? B: 當然啦!就是20位「白湯匙」名廚,和80位「黑湯匙」廚師的競賽。 A: 評審則是廚神白種元,及南韓唯一的米其林三星主廚安成宰。 B: 冠軍還可獲得3億韓元獎金呢! A: 看完節目後我現在好想吃韓式料理喔。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
Have you ever encountered abbreviations like “vs.” or “a.m.” and thought about their origins or pronunciation? These terms are leftovers of ancient Latin. For centuries, no one has claimed Latin as their mother tongue, yet many of us unknowingly use this language daily. Let’s explore three common Latin terms used in everything from casual chats to formal documents. Etc. Short for et cetera, etc. translates to “and the remaining things” and is among the most frequently employed Latin abbreviations. It’s a handy way to shorten a long list in writing or speech. Given that cetera conveys the notion of
台灣利用「電子圍籬系統」有效追蹤 COVID-19 確診者及居家檢疫者的行蹤,深受國際誇讚,目前已有許多國家向台灣洽詢輸出。 台灣 2020 年 2 月完成「電子圍籬系統」,連結健保署與移民署資料庫。鑽石公主號短暫停泊台灣就駛往日本,疫情指揮中心與電信業者合作,利用手機訊號追蹤,一天內將三千多筆旅客資料追出來,抓出了 51 個北北基熱點,並匡列出郵輪乘客接觸的六十三萬人,發送簡訊示警。 據中央疫情指揮中心資訊組的說明, Google Map 使用 GPS 定位,誤差為 10 公尺,但電子圍籬系統採手機與「基地台」的距離定位,誤差約 50 公尺,郊區的誤差則更大,因此採用基地台定位較能保障隱私。 台灣的「電子圍籬系統」國外媒體路透社(Reuters)及福斯新聞 (Fox News) 都報導過: Taiwan has also set up an “electronic fence” system that makes use of mobile telephones to alert police and authorities if those in home quarantine step out of bounds. (Reuters, March 17, 2020) The government in Taiwan—in an effort to suppress the spread of the coronavirus—has employed a so-called “electronic fence” that uses location tracking on mobile phones ... (Fox News, March 20, 2020) 他們把「電子圍籬系統」譯為 electronic fence,但都加上引號,福斯新聞甚至刻意加上「所謂」兩個字 (so-called “electronic fence”),意味這是引用台灣媒體的講法,係比較特別、跟平常不一樣的說法。因為 electronic fence 平常是指用來限制狗活動範圍的裝置,見下述來自寵物用品商網站的文字: . . . Should you buy a traditional physical fence made of