A Taichung woman with a life-long fear of geckos was almost driven to selling her car when one of the lizards crawled into her BMW 520.
The woman, surnamed Chang, declared war on the gecko and was about to send her car for a thorough cleaning, but was unable to overcome her fear of being in the car with a gecko. She therefore decided to leave the car in the sun for ten days, hoping that the heat would kill the gecko. Still uneasy, she even considered selling her car at a knockdown price. The whereabouts of the gecko was still unknown, leaving her too scared to even drive the car. Her friends tried to reason with her by saying, “Don’t let a gecko you can’t even see leave you out of pocket like that.”
She went to a psychologist to try and get over the shock, but she still couldn’t overcome her fear. Finally, she took her car to a mechanic to have the entire engine dismantled. Not until the head mechanic concluded, based on the direction of gecko feces, that the gecko had run away did she give up the notion of selling her car.
A good friend of Ms Chang heard about her experience, and reacted in sheer amazement. It’s normal for people to be scared of spiders, cockroaches, rats, snakes and lizards, but this was the first time she’d heard of someone being afraid of geckos like that. To try to help her, friends have gone online to check on her condition. It turns out that Ms Chang is not the only person with this kind of phobia, with other people also asking, “What do you do when a gecko crawls into your car?”
Online forums have come up with a myriad of odd solutions. One suggested, “keeping the car doors firmly shut to suffocate the gecko to death.” Another suggested having the car sent in to be washed, or park the car in the sun, open all the doors and the gecko will be forced out by the heat. Others recommended spraying the car with poison. One even proposed buying sticky flypaper, pasting it on the car ceiling, and sticking a few flies on the paper to lure the gecko into the trap.
The immediate reactions on the Internet were comforting, leading Ms Chang to ask the car depot if there were any other experiences like hers. The depot admitted that there were indeed other people who had sent their car to their shop to flush out a gecko. Upon hearing this, she was relieved to know that she wasn’t the only person with this kind of phobia.
“There are a lot of stange methods for getting rid of geckos, which don’t all work. Generally speaking, having your car cleaned out will do the trick, and if that fails you could open the hood of the car to check the engine,” says the head mechanic. A car dealer said that, “even if all four doors of a car are firmly shut, there are still air vents. Humans don’t know where these gaps are but geckos have the natural ability to find these passages and crawl out, so there’s really no reason to be nervous.”
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