This SD-40 locomotive has hauled freight across North America’s heartland for over 40 years. Now it’s reached the end of the line. One hundred tonnes of steel, six sets of wheels and a fourteen-and-a-half-tonne engine must be salvaged, melted or refurbished, so it can be reborn and returned to the rail industry.
Railroads are the backbone of American industry. Over 270,000km of track crisscross the country from coast to coast moving nearly two billion tonnes of freight every year. At the center of it all sits Kansas City, the second largest rail junction in the US. Two hundred thousand trains pass through this location every year. But today, two locomotives owned by Kansas City Southern — or KCS — will stop running. Numbers 672 and 605 have been on the rails for over 40 years. But now their engine technology is inefficient and fuel prices are at an all-time high so these locomotives are headed for the scrap yard to be broken down.
Scrap and recycling company Erman usually scraps much lighter train equipment so this locomotive pair is almost too much for the rails to handle. They’ll need to systematically dismantle the locomotives, cutting through solid steel without damaging the internal components or their auxiliary parts. A locomotive is designed to be almost indestructible — in this case, a 160-tonne construction of cast and welded steel. Each piece must be taken out by hand with blowtorches. The breakdown will happen from the top down in three steps. Step one, the strip down: cut and skin the steel outer shell of the locomotive to expose its power core. Step two, the gut out: remove the locomotive’s internal organs — the prime mover and generator. And step three, the final breakdown: cut away the cab, and torch up the over seven-centimeter-thick solid steel locomotive bed to salvage the wheels and supports. It’s a job that takes experience, skill and a healthy respect for locomotives.
Number 672 will be the first to go. The team needs to cut through layers of solid steel and blowtorches are the only way to do it. The flame is 50 percent acetylene gas and 50 percent oxygen — the only mixture that burns hot enough to cut steel, 3,480ºC to be exact. Direct contact with this heat could be deadly, so each worker must wear a face shield and protective clothing. But the flames aren’t the only hazard. A machine this old is a potential powder keg. Oil and fuel residues are all over this locomotive. One wrong move with a blowtorch could ignite an explosion.
Jiang Yiwu paced the small room and wondered how the leader of the Literary Society had got here. He could hear the Russian and Manchu police outside. They were looking for him. The Russians controlled the railways now, cutting through China, taking land and resources. The people were angry, and so was he. The revolution was almost ready. But things went wrong. Sun Wu, a key leader, lay in the hospital with critical wounds. The explosives were meant for the revolution but detonated by accident. Sun and the revolutionary plans were discovered by the police. Jiang grimaced at the
At an unusual event, a group of people gather and sit together without interacting or checking their phones. Instead, they concentrate on nothing at all and empty their minds for the Space-Out Competition. Originally proposed by South Korean artist Woopsyang in 2014, this event is a form of performance art. It challenges the social expectation to remain constantly busy in this fast-paced world, offering competitors a pause from their routines. For 90 minutes, players are scored on how well they “space out” based on artistic and technical aspects, with their heart rates monitored every 15 minutes. Then, the audience votes for
A: Taiwanese-language pop singer Jody Chiang is finally staging a comeback after having “turned off the microphone” for nine years. B: Yeah, she’s set to perform for the National Day celebration at the Taipei Dome this Saturday. A: As the best Taiwanese-language singer, it would be a big loss if she continued her hiatus. B: Recently, Chiang revealed that she quit singing in 2015 due to cancer. A: That’s shocking. But it’s great to see her healthy and able to turn the mic back on again. A: 台語歌后江蕙「封麥」9年後,終於即將復開唱了。 B: 對啊她本週六將參加國慶晚會,在大巨蛋開唱。 A: 江蕙可是最棒的台語歌手,如果不唱歌太可惜了。 B: 她最近才透露,其實2015年是因為罹癌才會「封麥」。 A: 真是令人震驚!能再看到她健康地「開麥」太好啦。 (By Eddy Chang,
新冠疫情期間確診者「解除隔離」(released from hospital isolation),「出院後又復陽」(tested positive again after being discharged) 的案例頻傳,國內也出現首例三次採檢陰性出院後,又因胸口不適採檢復陽個案。後來中央流行疫情指揮中心表示,因應國際間「復陽」(retesting positive) 狀況頻傳,檢疫標準進一步增加為「三次採檢均為陰性」(three consecutive negative tests),才能解除隔離。 以下為國外媒體報導: People are retesting positive for COVID-19 again; doctors suggest three consecutive negative results before discharging . . . . Taiwan has implemented stricter requirements when releasing patients, now requiring three consecutive negative tests instead of just two. (The Online Citizen , March 9, 2020) 疫情中心表示COVID-19發病後第一週病毒量較高,較易採檢到陽性;若發病時間較長,可能「時陰時陽」,會謹慎多採幾次。 「時陰時陽」英文怎麼說?可以說tested positive and negative on and off。如: I am currently infected with Covid-19 in Brisbane, Australia. . . . for 17 days and testing positive and negative on and off. (, March 21, 2020) 國家教育研究院「雙語詞彙審譯會」則是把「時陰時陽」譯為inconsistent test results。 除了時陰時陽以外,因為此病毒的檢測時有不明確的狀況,搭配患者幾無症狀的表現,又出現了「介於陰陽之間」的說法: 我國438例確診者,目前除了一名個案三採陰出院後轉陽,還有三名個案出院後,再回院採檢結果介於陰陽之間,「類似當時軍艦有官兵採驗陰性後,又出現陽性結果,介於陰陽之間不容易判讀。」 (2020年5月6日,《聯合報》) 「(採檢結果)介於陰陽之間」的英文又該怎麼說?可以說tests with ambiguous results,不過更簡潔的譯法是:inconclusive test result。 美國退伍軍人部(Department of Veterans Affairs)網站上對inconclusive