A troubled and violent past contrasts greatly with Guatemala's beautiful scenery. Over half of Guatemalans are descended from indigenous Mayans, and a number of ancient Mayan ruins dot the countryside.
A closer look 說古論今
Racing along on narrow mountain cliffs, tourists always seem to feel the end is near when riding on "chicken buses," the old, rundown American school buses used for intercity travel. But Guatemalans, accustomed to the dangers of living, seem to take the journey in their stride. This comes as little surprise when one considers that a 36-year old civil war that left over 200,000 people, most of them civilians, killed or disappeared came to an end in 1996. The army, aided by the US government, was responsible for most of the killing.
Guatemalans mindful of those atrocities are trying to move past them. Today Guatemala is a representative democracy. There are still many problems - violent crime and corruption run rampant and the unemployment rate is high. But tourists, no longer fearful of being trapped in the middle of a war, have begun coming again to take a look at Guatemala's beautiful scenery.
Lying in Guatemala's southwest is Lake Atitlan, which English author Aldous Huxley described as the most beautiful lake in the world. Nearby is Antigua, a colonial city full of Baroque splendor. In the northern part of the country is Tikal, the largest ancient Mayan ruins in the world.
And of course there's Guatemala City, the country's largest city and capital. Protests that happen in front of the presidential palace usually end peacefully, something that would have been almost unheard of two decades ago. Life in Guatemala has improved, even though the buses could still use an upgrade.
瓜地馬拉西南部的阿提蘭湖,曾被英國作家赫胥黎形容為世界上最美的湖泊。附近的殖民大城安地瓜充滿巴洛克風情。座落於該國北部的地卡則是全球最大的古馬雅遺跡 。
WHO KNEW? 你知道嗎?
Once a year the devil visits Guatemala and is quickly cast into flames. On December 7, Guatemalans use household trash to make enormous bonfires in the streets. Effigies of the devil are burnt, and people dressed up as "el diablo" (the devil ) chase children who run for safety.
Referred to as "Quema del Diablo," which translates as "Burning of the Devil," the festival happens annually on December 7 as a prelude to Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a Roman Catholic holiday to celebrate Mary being conceived free of original sin.
The Guatemalan magazine Revue states that the festival originated in colonial times when people put out lanterns the evening before Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Poorer residents who couldn't afford lanterns but wanted to mark the occasion built bonfires in the streets.
每年十二月七日驅鬼的活動,為聖母無原罪瞻禮的節日揭開序幕。這個天主教節日是用來慶祝聖母瑪利亞不受原罪的影響。瓜國的Revue 雜誌說該節慶源自於殖民時期,當時人們在節日前一晚會掛起燈籠,買不起燈籠又想參與盛會的窮人們則會在街上生火。
1. I really want a car, but I only have NT$50,000 saved up. It looks like I'm going to have to buy a rundown vehicle.
Rundown means …
a. of moderate cost.
b. in good condition.
c. very cheap.
d. in poor physical condition.
2. It doesn't matter what his job is. You need to be mindful of his feelings.
Mindful means …
a. attentive.
b. disregarding.
c. agreeable.
d. thinking.
3. A number of atrocities happened when Stalin was in power, including the devastating purges.
An atrocity is …
a. corrupt behavior.
b. brutal behavior.
c. irrational behavior.
d. questionable behavior.
4. You've already had this computer for 10 years and this cell phone for five. I think you need to upgrade your electronics.
An upgrade is …
a. putting a stop to something.
b. making something new.
c. degrading something a lesser standard.
d. raising something to a higher standard.
About Guatemala 國家概況
Size: 108,890km2, or about three times the size of Taiwan
Location: Central America
Border countries: Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico
Capital: Guatemala City
Population: about 12.3 million
Languages: Spanish, 24 indigenous languages
Government: constitutional democratic republic
Currency: 1 Guatemalan Quetzal = NT$4.26
Guatemala is 14 hours behind Taiwan. When it's 3:30pm in Taiwan, it's 1:30am in Guatemala.
Guatemala has both a civil flag (pictured) and a national flag. Both flags have a white vertical stripe that represents Guatemala and two blue vertical stripes that represent bordering seas. The national flag has an additional crest in the middle which features a quetzal bird perched on the country's Declaration of Independence.
Ans: 1.d 2.a 3.b 4.d
The chimney cake is a beloved treat with a rich history in Hungary and Romania. While written references to the cake appeared as early as the late 17th century, the earliest known recipe from 1784 is __1__ a noblewoman named Maria Mikes, who wrote about dough wrapped around a spit. Legend has it, however, that the existence of this delicacy actually goes much further back in time, to the Mongol invasion of the 13th century. The cake’s iconic hollow, cylindrical shape, which is reminiscent of a chimney, is achieved by wrapping yeast dough around a wooden spit and roasting
A: I remember that the late pop diva Whitney Houston’s 1985 debut album “Whitney Houston” is a diamond album, meaning it sold over 10 million units in the US. B: Her 1987 album “Whitney” and 1992 soundtrack “The Bodyguard” have also reached diamond status, making her the only black singer with three diamond albums. A: Many people think that her songs are difficult to sing. B: I challenge you to sing her megahit “I Will Always Love You” at tonight’s karaoke party. A: OK, challenge accepted. A: 我記得流行天后惠妮休斯頓的1985年出道專輯《惠妮休斯頓》還是一張鑽石唱片呢,表示在美國狂賣超過1千萬張。 B: 她1987年的次張專輯《惠妮》、1992年的電影《終極保鑣》原聲帶也獲得鑽石唱片認證,使她成為唯一擁有3張鑽石唱片的黑人歌手! A: 而許多人覺得她的歌都很難唱。 B: 那我挑戰你在今晚的KTV派對唱她的名曲《我將永遠愛你》。 A: 好啊我接受你的挑戰。 (By Eddy
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