According to legend, Lady Godiva rode naked on a white horse through the streets of a British city center. The eye-popping sight was recently repeated three times by a striking young woman.
Phoebe Thomas stripped down and saddled up in the university city of Oxford under the close scrutiny of a film crew shooting a modern movie re-telling the old tale. They made her do it three times, just to be sure they got it right.
Legend has it that Lady Godiva rode a horse naked through the streets of Coventry nearly 1,000 years ago to persuade her husband Leofric, the Earl of Mercia, to lower taxes.
Only the lady's long hair covered her body, but Thomas' hair gave little protection against the cold air at 4:30am, as 100 other people acting in the scene looked on.
The modern version of Lady Godiva was a little more comfortable because she was able to wear a little bit of skin-colored clothing.
The shoot was for a scene in a romantic comedy dreamed up by 20-year-old Vicky Jewson, who has been given 1.4 million pounds (NT$84 million) to make the movie.
She said she was relieved to get the shoot finished in three takes.
“Without this scene, we wouldn't have a film. It simply couldn't be filmed anywhere else.”
“So I had no choice but to get everyone up long before dawn, stop the traffic every few minutes and do it as quickly as possible.”
“All credit to the cast, crew and extras who made this happen quickly and with so little fuss.”(AFP)
「這都要歸功於劇組、全體工作人員和臨時演員,才能不拖泥帶水地盡速收工。」 〈法新社/ 翻譯:鄭湘儀〉
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A: Astrologer Ai Fei-er has just released his horoscope reading for this year. B: What do the stars tell us? A: Aries may be reborn through challenges, Tauruses should keep learning and Geminis will have double the good luck. B: Wow, so lucky. A: Cancers may see the light in the dark, Leos should conceal their ability and bide their time and Virgos will brave the wind and waves. A: 艾菲爾老師的2025年星座大預測出爐啦。 B: 今年各星座運勢如何? A: 「牡羊座」挑戰重生、「金牛座」學無止境、「雙子座」幸運倍增。 B: 真幸運! A: 「巨蟹座」柳暗花明、「獅子座」韜光養晦、「處女座」乘風破浪。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
A: And how about the other star signs? B: Libras can benefit from multiple perspectives, Scorpios will be tough as steel and Sagittariuses may travel around. A: Cool, what’s next? B: Capricorns may take the lead, Aquarius may start a new life and Pisces should be well prepared for action. A: I hope we’ll have a lot of good fortune in the Year of the Snake. A: 其他的星座運勢如何? B: 「天秤座」左右逢源、「天蠍座」百煉成鋼、「射手座」志在四方。 A: 還有呢? B: 「摩羯座」一馬當先、「水瓶座」脫胎換骨、「雙魚座」蓄勢待發。 A: 希望大家在蛇年能好運旺旺來! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)