The royal announcement fluttered out into the ether, the politicians offered their congratulations; the tabloids wondered if Kate Middleton would be a people’s princess; the Daily Telegraph revealed she would be the “oldest spinster” ever to marry a future king; the Internet was a-twitter with clamor and commentary; and it was only if you listened really closely that you could hear, beneath the cacophony, beneath the clatter of bunting hauled from the attic and brought out to air, a genuine note of dread. What was Kate Middleton doing? Why would any modern woman marry into the royal family? And what would the upcoming celebrations, the welter of white fabric, the talk of rings and romance, mean for women?
“Everything we know about the royal family — which is quite a lot — tells us that their relationships are dysfunctional, their relationship to their society is dysfunctional,” the feminist writer and campaigner Beatrix Campbell says. “Why on earth would Kate Middleton want to enter this atavistic society which, although it’s presided over by a queen, is still profoundly patriarchal?”
The writer and broadcaster Bidisha echoes this. “That family’s entire history is based on persecuting women — all they’ve ever done is mistreat and sideline women. This poor woman’s got a life ahead of her of crap social engagements and conservative clothing, for God’s sake!”
So why does she want to do it? The most obvious answer, of course, is love, and there’s no doubt that Middleton and Prince William have a longstanding and seemingly mutually supportive bond. Then there’s ambition. The media professor and historian Jean Seaton says: “The upside of being a royal is an extraordinary range and breadth of access across the British nation, and indeed internationally. We’ve seen, just recently, how the queen was able to ask the question that we’ve all wondered, to an economist at the LSE [London School of Economics and Political Science]: ‘Why didn’t you predict the economic crash?’ So it is obviously a position of profound influence.”
But somehow the downsides seem more numerous for anyone who values their independence, their privacy, even their sanity. The dread about Middleton’s predicament derives, of course, at least in part from the stories of her predecessors. Particularly her most recent predecessors. There was Sarah Ferguson, a woman who had once seemed bold, funny and unfettered, ever ready to poke someone’s bottom with an umbrella or poke fun at herself, reduced a few months back to hustling for money in a hotel room, trying to sell access to her ex-husband. There was Sophie Rhys-Jones, now countess of Wessex, who went into her marriage to Prince Edward as a proud career woman, but was soon accused of trading on the royal name, and retreated, chastened and very likely chagrined, into the wings.
And then there was Princess Diana, the shy, naive, as well as brave and intelligent woman, whose story has become so iconic that it doesn’t need to be re-told — suffice to say, it ended badly. The royal family does have a knack of taking women who are either independent, or on the brink of independence, and bringing them very low.
Ominously, as the coverage of Middleton’s upcoming marriage to Prince William has unfolded, much of it has harked back to that ultimate royal wedding 30 years ago, that flounce of white silk and international delusion. As Seaton, who has written extensively about the previous royal wedding, says: “There are some riveting comparisons — economic depression, a conservative government, the country feeling very low.”
What’s different, and what’s potentially positive, she continues, is that this marriage “is not a trap. The awful thing about writing about Lady Diana’s wedding was that everyone knew that it was a trap closing in on two people really — and I think that Prince Charles was as much a victim of that wedding as she was, actually. This is different. This woman knows what she’s going into, doesn’t she? It’s a much more negotiated, tested entry.”
That’s certainly true. Where Diana was a 19-year-old when she got engaged, with very little education or experience, and only a relatively short romantic relationship with Prince Charles, Middleton is a graduate, who has spent eight years with her partner, and been through bust-ups and break-ups in that time.
And she’s not in the dark about some of the potential trouble ahead. When Middleton and William first got together at St Andrews University, they were protected by a pact between the palace and the media to leave him alone while he studied. But in the years since, she has experienced some early signs of what the coming media maelstrom will be like, has been chased by the paparazzi, heard the pop of their cameras, had her clothes scrutinized for style, her life scrutinized for scandal (the best anyone seems to have come up with is a picture of her on a university catwalk in a transparent dress). She has tasted this, and obviously feels that she can cope with it, that the rewards are worth it.
The psychologist Linda Blair feels that Middleton is probably about as well prepared as she can be for a role that most of us would find impossible — a role that Blair defines as simultaneously relentless and uncontrollable, that Campbell defines as “powerful and pointless.”
“Eight years is a long enough time to have some ups and downs in a relationship,” says Blair, “and also to get to know the personalities that you’re going to be dealing with, such as his family, because your in-law family is a really important influence on your relationship with your partner. The couple have had some separations as well, which is good, because you need to know what happens when there are problems, and how you resolve an issue between you.
“She doesn’t strike me as someone who’s impulsive, which will help her, but she does seem to have good physical strength, and she’ll need that — plain old non-psychological stamina. She’s reflective, she has had a taste of what the situation will feel like, she has been through problems and resolved them with her partner. I don’t think that anything can fully prepare you for a future that is so spectacularly stressful. But I think she’s had a good run so far.”
Another quality of Middleton’s, which may stand her in less good stead, is how unformed she seems — this is one way in which, despite her age, she echoes Diana.
Given all the marital problems that the royal family has seen in the last few decades, it would have been exciting to see someone marry into the family who genuinely reflected the modern world and modern women, who had had a life before her marriage, ambitions distinct from it, who had pursued a career, and perhaps succeeded in it. Instead, since leaving university, Middleton has worked occasionally for her parents’ party-planning firm, spent less than a year working part-time as a junior accessories buyer at Jigsaw (owned by friends of the family), and put together an exhibition of her own photographs, which she then decided not to show.
There is a suspicion that someone who had been truly independent, who had gone out into the world and had a life, would be too dangerous for the royal family, and instead, as Campbell says, “they’ve got somebody who’s been contained, and presumably trained, tested and therefore trusted. The royal family have learned to manage women who enter that family, instead of learning how to embrace a normal young woman — with a job, a history, who’s complicated, has made mistakes, recovered from them, lived a life that is useful and engaged and connected to her generation. None of those things will apply to Kate, and that is a real shame, and it’s a shame for her that she has obliged them in this way.”
“What’s deeply dangerous about Kate for the monarchy,” says Seaton, “is that she looks as purposeless as the rest of them … Think of how we would have been raising the bunting if she’d been a doctor, or an art restorer. Anything! If she’d worked for any institution that wasn’t the royal family. What’s worrying is that this is a young woman who has failed to establish herself; she’s going into a life that is entirely dependent on her contacts.”
And this fact means some potentially very irritating months ahead, in which marriage is cited as the greatest possible achievement for a woman, in which prospective wifedom is put on the highest pinnacle. And it won’t stop there.
Bidisha says: “What this presages is a whole load of newspaper coverage about what she’ll be wearing. The wedding will be represented as a fairy tale for people to look up to — when it’s not that at all. And the next thing will be whether or not she’s pregnant — all that will start in earnest.”
Brace yourselves. It’s going to be a bumpy road ahead.
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