I-actor uses the play-within-a-play trope as a means of exploring the ways in which actors interpret characters in a literary work - here, auditions for the lead role in The Little Prince, the famous novella written by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
▲ Guling Street Theater (牯嶺街小劇場), 3F, 2, Ln 5, Guling St, Taipei City (台北市牯嶺街5巷2號3樓)
▲ Today and tomorrow at 7:30pm and tomorrow and Sunday at 2:30pm
▲ Tickets are NT$350 and are available through NTCH ticketing or online at
Communicating Doors (開錯門中門) is Godot Theater's (果陀劇場) interpretation of Alan Ayckbourn's well-known play. The screwball comedy takes place in a five-star hotel where an elderly man is about to reveal to his lover his complicity in the murders of his two former wives. But when his business partner catches wind of the plan, he attempts to foil the confession.
▲ Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall (國父紀念館), 505, Renai Rd Sec 4, Taipei City (台北市仁愛路四段505號)
▲ Today, tomorrow and Sunday at 7:30pm and tomorrow and Sunday at 2:30pm
▲ Tickets are NT$400 to NT$2,000 and are available through ERA ticketing or online at
A thinly veiled attack on Taiwanese media, Media Tycoon (媒體大亨) by Capital Ballet (台北首督芭蕾舞團) uses dance to take an ironic look at how a rich media baron sacrifices his friendships, loves, family and soul to become rich and powerful.
▲ Taipei Cultural Center (台北市立社教館), 25, Bade Rd Sec 3, Taipei City (台北市八德路三段25號)
▲ Today and tomorrow at 7:30pm
▲ Tickets are NT$600 to NT$800 and are available through NTCH ticketing or online at
Wedding of the Mice (大稻埕的老鼠新娘) is a puppet production by Taiwan's Taiyuan Puppet Theater Company (台原偶戲團), and is adapted from a traditional Chinese fairy tale. It tells the story of the daughter of the mouse lord who is in love with a poor mouse but is expected to marry the winner of a competition held by her father. The father deems the poor mouse unworthy of competing for his daughter's hand in marriage, but true love eventually wins the day.
▲ Nadou Theater (納豆劇場), 79 Xining N Rd, Taipei City (台北市西寧北路79號)
▲ Tomorrow at 7:30pm
▲ Tickets are NT$200 and are available through NTCH ticketing or online at
Classical muisc
Sense and Sensibility (感性and 理性), a violin recital Kao Chiung-Lin (高瓊鈴) will feature the two aspects of the performer's personality as she presents a program including Mozart's Adagio, Bach's Partita for Violin Solo No. 2, Ravel's Sonata Posthume and R. Strauss' Violin Sonata in E-flat Op. 18. She will be accompanied by Hsieh Shu-yi (謝書儀), also on violin.
▲ Chihshan Hall, Kaohsiung Cultural Center (高雄文化中心至善廳), 67 Wufu 1st Rd, Kaohsiung City (高雄市五福一路67號)
▲ Tomorrow at 7:30pm
▲ Tickets are NT$100 and NT$200 and are available through ERA ticketing
Ke-Hsing Kaye Chung Flute Recital (鐘可欣長笛獨奏會), a leading local flautist who has toured with James Galway, will perform a program on contemporary pieces including Arthur Foote's Three Pieces for Flute and Piano, Op. 31, Fikret Amirov's Six Pieces for Flute and Piano, Francis Poulenc's Sonata for Flute and Piano, Philippe Gaubert's Sonata in A for Flute and Piano, Frederick Kuhlau's Trio in G major, Op. 119 for Flute, Cello and Piano. She will be accompanied by Liao Jiao-han (廖皎含) on piano and Lu Chao-lun (呂超倫) on cello.
▲ National Recital Hall, Taipei City
▲ Sunday at 7:30pm
▲ Tickets are NT$200 to NT$500 and are available through ERA ticketing
Piano Music by Ai River - A Concert by Rueibin Chen (愛河琴緣 - 鋼琴大師陳瑞斌音樂會) sees the highly regarded pianist performing with the Capriccio Chamber Orchestra (綺想室內樂團) in a program that includes pieces by Brahms, Tchaikovsky and Chen's own Ai River Capriccio.
▲ Kaohsiung's Chih-Teh Hall (高雄市文化中心至德堂), 67 Wufu 1st Rd, Kaohsiung City (高雄市五福一路67號)
▲ Sunday at 7:30pm
▲ Tickets are NT$500 to NT$4,200 and are available through ERA ticketing
A Night with the Kaohsiung City Wind Symphony (高雄市交響管樂團新年音樂會), will see the orchestra perform a mixed program of old masters and contemporary composers under the baton of Yu Yen-cheng (庾燕誠) and featuring oboe virtuoso Chen Chien-yi (陳建宜), formerly the principal oboe with the Darmstadt Philharmonie.
▲ Kaohsiung's Chih-Teh Hall (高雄市文化中心至德堂), 67 Wufu 1st Rd, Kaohsiung City (高雄市五福一路67號)
▲ Tuesday 7:30pm
▲ Tickets are NT$300 to NT$500 and are available through ERA ticketing
Artemis Yen Piano Recital - Love Revisited, Life and Death (顏華容獨奏會 - 重逢愛, 生與死) sees the Russian pianist taking the stage to perform a program that includes F. Liszt's Totentanz, Paraphrase on Dies Irae, S. 525, Isolde's Liebestod from Wagner's Tristan, the Waltz from Gounod's Opera Faust and Rachmaninov's Isle of the Dead, Op. 29 and Sonata No.1 in D Minor, Op. 28.
▲ Taipei National University of the Arts (國立臺北藝術大學音樂廳), 1 Xueyuan Rd, Taipei City (台北市學園路1號)
▲ Tomorrow 7:30pm
▲ Tickets are NT$150 to NT$500 and are available through NTCH ticketing
An Evening of Brahms - NTU Symphony Orchestra End of Term Concert (台大交響樂團期末公演 - 布拉姆斯之夜), will see the university orchestra perform a program including Brahms' Academic Festival Overture, Op. 80, Piano Concerto No. 2 In B Flat Major Op. 83 and Symphony No.1 in C Minor Op. 68.
▲ National Concert Hall, Taipei City
▲ Wednesday 7:30pm
▲ Tickets are NT$200 to NT$800 and are available through NTCH ticketing
Tonight is Dancing Night at The Wall (這牆), with three bands that play easy-to-groove-to music - garage-rockers Rabbit Is Rich (兔子很有錢) and indie-electronica groups Digihai (低級嗨) and The Shine & Shine & Shine & Shine. Brit-rock band celebrates the recent release of its latest EP, In Clubbing We Trust, tomorrow, with opening acts Orange Grass (橙草), a post-rock band, and indie-rockers Bear Babes (熊寶貝). Veteran underground rock band Rocking Chair (搖搖椅) is calling it quits and has its farewell concert on Sunday, with special guests Cookie Monster (餅乾怪獸) and 13 (拾參). Heavy metal act Chant the Dirge, nu-metal band Huge Plonker (超大屌生物) and Stinky Charlies play on Wednesday. Then on Thursday, it's another round of Challenging the Fire (火焰大挑戰), a competition for new bands.
▲ B1, 200, Roosevelt Rd Sec 4, Taipei City (台北市羅斯福路四段200號B1). Call (02) 2930-0162 or log on at for more information
▲ The music starts at 8pm
▲ Entrance for shows is NT$400 tonight, NT$500 tomorrow, NT$300 Sunday and Wednesday, and NT$200 Thursday. Admission includes one drink
House jazz combo JEG (這個爵士樂團) plays standards, Latin, funk, rock and fusion tonight at Riverside Cafe (河岸留言). Award-winning actress and singer Wan Fang (萬芳) takes to the stage tomorrow, with support from Tokyo-based guitarist Ken Ohtake, better know for his work with Lin Sheng-xiang (林生祥) on his latest album, Planting Trees (種樹), and accordion player Hsieh Chieh-ting (謝杰廷). (See story above.) Twenty-two-year-old singer Lan You-shi (藍又時) and unplugged band Elisa (一粒沙) perform on Sunday. Monday is Open Jam night, when anyone can take the stage and play a few songs. Indie-rock bands Pepper Cat (胡椒貓) and the Martians (火星人) perform on Tuesday. On Wednesday, Bass player Brain Chiu (邱培榮) and guitarist Mike McLaughlin team up with drummer Chiang Yong-cheng (姜永正), aka Douzi (豆子), and Fen-da (芬達) on keys, followed by Monkey Pilot (猴子飛行員). On Thursday, it's Mando-pop/reggae singer Lisa Djaati and alt-rock band Neon.
▲ B1, 2, Ln 244, Roosevelt Rd Sec 3, Taipei City (台北市羅斯福路三段244巷2號B1), next to the Taipower Building (台電大樓). Call (02) 2368-7310, or visit
▲ Shows start at 9:30pm
▲ NT$400 tonight and Thursday, NT$450 tomorrow, NT$350 Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Admission includes one drink. There is a one-drink minimum on Mondays
Mando-pop/reggae singer Lisa Djaati makes an appearance tonight at the Xue Xue Institute (學學文創志業).
▲ 207, Tiding Blvd Sec 2, Neihu District, Taipei City (台北市內湖區堤頂大道二段207號). For more information, see
▲ Tonight 8pm
▲ NT$400 tickets are available online at
Tonight at Bliss, it's turntablists and emcees DJ Charles and Leo37 on the ones and twos, plus a "special guest." Kaohsiung indie bands ElectroCute and Magpie join Taipei garage-rock outfit Rabbit Is Rich (兔子很有錢) tomorrow. (See story above.)
▲ 148, Xinyi Rd Sec 4, Taipei City (台北市信義路四段148號), one block east of Dunhua South Road (敦化南路). Call Bliss at (02) 2702-1855 or log on at For more information on performances at Bliss, go to
▲ Tonight's music starts at 10pm. Bar/kitchen open from 7pm daily
▲ Entrance to the bar is free. Cover for the live music upstairs is NT$200
Folk group Rice Public (愛吃飯合作社) plays tonight at Witch House (女巫店). Singer and multi-instrument whiz Suming (姜聖明), also of Aboriginal indie-rock band Totem (圖騰) and neo-folk act Echo G.S. (艾可菊斯), returns for another performance tomorrow.
▲ 7, Ln 56, Xinsheng S Rd Sec 3, Taipei City (台北市新生南路三段56巷7號). Call (02) 2362-5494 or visit
▲ Performances start at 9:30pm. Restaurant/bar with queer/feminist bookstore and large collection of board games opens 11am to midnight Sunday to Wednesday; 11am to 1am Thursday to Saturday
▲ NT$300 entrance includes one drink
Underworld (地下社會) presents Punk Hoo (胖虎) and noise band Black Faith With Sonic Pace (黑色信念跟隨著音速腳步) tonight. Melodic metal/hardcore band Neo Shark (腦剎), heavy-metal act Triple Six (666) and Zoom In play tomorrow. Yoztiger (包子虎), a former member of post-rock band Sugar Plum Ferry (甜梅號), and festive indie-rockers 88 Balaz (88顆芭樂籽) perform on Wednesday.
▲ B1, 45 Shida Rd, Taipei City (台北市師大路45號B1). Call (02) 2369-0103 or visit for more information
▲ Bands start playing after 9pm. The bar is open from 8pm daily, except Mondays
▲ Entrance for shows is NT$300 and includes one drink
The Q v Q Band, comprised mostly of Taipei American School teachers, take their eclectic mix of blues, rock, alternative and bluegrass to the Living Room (小客廳) tonight. Atmospheric synth-rock band Carnie (卡尼) plays tomorrow, followed by Ai Ching (艾青) and her band. Folk guitarist Shotetsu (舒吉吉) returns to the Living Room again on Thursday.
▲ 3F, 8, Nanjing E Rd Sec 5, Taipei City (台北市南京東路五段8號3樓). Call (02) 8787-4154 or visit
▲ 9pm tonight; 8pm Thursday
▲ NT$300 admission and NT$100 recommended donation tonight; NT$300 admission and NT$50 recommended donation for Carnie, NT$300 admission and NT$100 recommended donation for Ai Ching and Shotetsu tomorrow; NT$300 admission and NT$50 recommended donation for Thursday
SoundMind productions presents In Living Color at club Plan B (計畫B). DJs Stereo:types and Dan 2 Hands spin hip-hop, dancehall, funk, soul, old-school and 1980s tunes, while VJs play clips from the 1980s US comedy show In Living Color. Giveaways all night, including red envelopes with cash, free drinks and CDs. Dress code: bright colors. (See this week's Vinyl Word.)
▲ 29-1, Anhe Rd Sec 1, Taipei City (台北市安和路一段29號之1). Call (02) 2775-5855
▲ Tomorrow from 10pm to 4am
▲ NT$300 admission includes one drink. NT$150 drinks all night
Tonight in Taichung, 89k hosts funk super group the Money Shot Horns.
▲ 21 Daguan Rd, Taichung City (台中市大觀路21號). Call (04) 2320-7010 for more information
▲ 10:30pm tonight
▲ NT$300 admission includes one drink
The American Institute in Taiwan and the National Chengchi University's Institute of International Relations are co-organizing a presentation on the US presidential election by David Brady, deputy director and senior fellow of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. Brady is an expert on the US Congress and Congressional decision-making process. The presentation will be in English and is open to the general public.
▲ Newspaper Reading Room, Library and Conference Building (圖書暨會議大樓新簡報室), Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University (政治大學國際關係研究中心), 64 Wanshou Rd, Taipei City (台北市萬壽路64號)
▲ Today from 3pm to 4:30pm
▲ For more information, call Huang Wan-ching (黃婉卿) at (02) 8237-7202
The Dance of Light and Shadow - Contemporary Glass Art by Livio Seguso (光影之舞 – 義大利名家瑟古索現代玻璃藝術大展). Featuring the 52 most representative of Seguso's works as well as 2-D paintings and sketches, the exhibition introduces to local audiences the living Italian national treasure: glass art. Seguso combines different materials such as marble, stainless steel and wood with glass of different textures to create pieces that are deemed the embodiment of poetry, elegance and delicacy.
▲ National Museum of History (國立歷史博物館), 49 Nanhai Rd, Taipei City (台北市南海路49號). Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 6pm. Call (02) 2361-0270
▲ Through Feb. 10
Alterazioni Video/Paintings/ 2007 (另類錄像/繪畫/2007). Established in Milan in 2004, Alterazioni Video is a collective of five artists based in Milan and New York. The collective mingles art with political activism and utilizes different media ranging from painting, installations to Internet and video. The show is a video work in progress that documents the layering of written messages and deletions on the outer wall of the San Vittore jail in Milan, a wall that acts like one vast painting which not only records of the life of a community but evokes other paintings, walls and communities.
▲ Chi-Wen Gallery located at 3F, 19, Ln 252, Dunhua S Rd Sec 1, Taipei City (台北市敦化南路一段252巷19號3樓). Open Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 7pm. Call (02) 8771-3372.
▲ Through Feb. 29
Women Taste - Exhibition of Body Performativity (女味 – 身體裝扮個展). Artist Yin Ya-lan (殷亞蘭) plays with American post-structuralist philosopher Judith Butler's notion of gender "performativity" through a series of fashion shows, videos, installations and multimedia works.
▲ Nanhai Gallery (南海藝廊), 3, Ln 19, Chungching S Rd Sec 2, Taipei City (台北市重慶南路二段19巷3號). Open Wednesday to Sunday from 2pm to 9:30pm. Call (02) 2392-5080
▲ Through Feb. 23
2007 Taipei Art Awards (2007台北美術獎). Organized by Taipei Fine Arts Museum under the auspices of the Taipei City Government, this annual competition has grown to become a premier venue where Taiwan's artists can demonstrate their creativity and imagination. The exhibition shows works by 15 award-winners who stood out from the 336 applicants last year.
▲ Taipei Fine Arts Museum (台北市立美術館), 181, Zhongshan N Rd Sec 3, Taipei City (台北市中山北路三段181號). Open Tuesday to Sunday from 9:30am to 5:30pm. Call (02) 2595-7656
▲ Through March 2
Your Playground Has Been Updated - Joint Exhibition by Su Yu-an and Cheng Ting (一些瑣碎的話題總聊不下去 – 蘇俞安與鄭婷雙個展). A response to technology-obsessive digital photography, the duo look into the uncertainty of Polaroid photos which, they believe, can best illustrate the fragmented nature of photography and capture the fleeting nuances of emotions.
▲ Shin Leh Yuan Art Space (新樂園藝術空間), 15-2, Ln 11, Zhongshan N Rd Sec 2, Taipei City (台北市中山北路二段11巷15-2號). Open Wednesday to Sunday from 1pm to 8pm. Call (02) 2561-1548
▲ Through Feb. 3
Nine Taiwanese nervously stand on an observation platform at Tokyo’s Haneda International Airport. It’s 9:20am on March 27, 1968, and they are awaiting the arrival of Liu Wen-ching (柳文卿), who is about to be deported back to Taiwan where he faces possible execution for his independence activities. As he is removed from a minibus, a tenth activist, Dai Tian-chao (戴天昭), jumps out of his hiding place and attacks the immigration officials — the nine other activists in tow — while urging Liu to make a run for it. But he’s pinned to the ground. Amid the commotion, Liu tries to
A dozen excited 10-year-olds are bouncing in their chairs. The small classroom’s walls are lined with racks of wetsuits and water equipment, and decorated with posters of turtles. But the students’ eyes are trained on their teacher, Tseng Ching-ming, describing the currents and sea conditions at nearby Banana Bay, where they’ll soon be going. “Today you have one mission: to take off your equipment and float in the water,” he says. Some of the kids grin, nervously. They don’t know it, but the students from Kenting-Eluan elementary school on Taiwan’s southernmost point, are rare among their peers and predecessors. Despite most of
A pig’s head sits atop a shelf, tufts of blonde hair sprouting from its taut scalp. Opposite, its chalky, wrinkled heart glows red in a bubbling vat of liquid, locks of thick dark hair and teeth scattered below. A giant screen shows the pig draped in a hospital gown. Is it dead? A surgeon inserts human teeth implants, then hair implants — beautifying the horrifyingly human-like animal. Chang Chen-shen (張辰申) calls Incarnation Project: Deviation Lovers “a satirical self-criticism, a critique on the fact that throughout our lives we’ve been instilled with ideas and things that don’t belong to us.” Chang
The resignation of Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) co-founder Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) as party chair on Jan. 1 has led to an interesting battle between two leading party figures, Huang Kuo-chang (黃國昌) and Tsai Pi-ru (蔡壁如). For years the party has been a one-man show, but with Ko being held incommunicado while on trial for corruption, the new chair’s leadership could be make or break for the young party. Not only are the two very different in style, their backgrounds are very different. Tsai is a co-founder of the TPP and has been with Ko from the very beginning. Huang has