The organizer's Web site said the AgeHa party last Saturday at Nankang 101 was Taipei's first luxury party. That's quite a claim to live up to. Boys dressed in camp chaps, muscles slicked with oil serving tequila shots from plastic cups at NT$200 a pop (a NT$50 surcharge compared to the bar price), a human cigarette vending machine in the form of a roller girl, a basement dance floor advertised as a dark room, pole dancers and go go boys — it was a grand attempt at party luxe.
The crew from Tokyo's mega club that throws off-the-hook parties came to town and although the bash didn't attract as many punters as Tiesto's show at the same venue in April, it was impressive nevertheless.
Six girls, dressed up in feathers and high heels put on a spectacular show atop the bar, and a troupe of eight dancers naked from the waist up, wearing trousers made of fabric leaves, took to the mini stage in the center of the main dance floor and drew gasps of appreciation with a tight performance that combined break-dance moves with contemporary dance choreography.
On the stage right second floor balcony, members of the press pack trained their cameras on the crowd and reported their findings on the local networks. Before the party got going around 1am the film crews were either lounging around looking like they'd rather be somewhere else on a Saturday night, or were nipping to the bar and joining in the fun.
Despite the amusements, frivolity, and quality tunes to boot, a few revelers grumbled about the admission price, which was NT$1,200 at the door or NT$1,000 in advance. Decadence doesn't come cheap.
Meanwhile, on paper, everything for last Saturday's Corona Summer Jam Pool Party at the Howard Plaza Hotel looked good. The two hottest promotion companies in Taiwan, Luxy and Liquid Lifestyles! Machi! A gorgeous, sunny day! A recipe for success if ever there was one.
But something was amiss. Instead of the sweaty, bikini-clad mob you'd expect, there were only a dozen or so partygoers. Evidently, people were scared away by the NT$800 ticket price and the 90-minute drive to Green Bay. So, while the promoters tried their hardest to liven things up, giving away free beer and BBQ food, there just weren't enough people to make it a party. The DJs' fresh hip-hop sets fell on few ears. No one wanted to be that first, adventurous person on the dance floor.
The party continued in this manner until, finally, Machi graced the stage. The boys were the highlight of the party, giving an upbeat performance despite the small crowd in front of them. Their energy was infectious. Soon, people were dancing, cheering and having a good time. But it was all over far too soon. Afterwards, only lick-off-whip-cream and chug-a-beer contests remained. At 9pm, the props, sound system, and BBQ were whisked away and partygoers were stuck, stranded in Green Bay searching for cabs.
Reports have reached the Vinyl Word that a fire badly damaged Liquid Lounge in Taichung on Monday morning, forcing the late night hot spot to close. As a result, the Cut'n Blow party, scheduled for tomorrow night at the venue is to be held at Escape, which has been renovated. The party begins at 11pm with Coffey, Declan, Hooker and Kris in the mix. Escape is located at 45-2 Chunggang Rd Sec 2, Taichung (台中中港路二段45-2號).
The pool parties at CM Swimming Club in Shilin are no more. After legal wrangling the swimming pool has closed.
Laserman, a star of the show at Tiesto's last performance in Taiwan, is back for a mini tour of the island. He will perform his light extravaganza at Lion King in Taichung tonight and at Fusion in Tainan tomorrow.
At Luxy tonight, Hipp-E is to play his last set as the club's Sabbatical “scholar.”
Nine Taiwanese nervously stand on an observation platform at Tokyo’s Haneda International Airport. It’s 9:20am on March 27, 1968, and they are awaiting the arrival of Liu Wen-ching (柳文卿), who is about to be deported back to Taiwan where he faces possible execution for his independence activities. As he is removed from a minibus, a tenth activist, Dai Tian-chao (戴天昭), jumps out of his hiding place and attacks the immigration officials — the nine other activists in tow — while urging Liu to make a run for it. But he’s pinned to the ground. Amid the commotion, Liu tries to
A dozen excited 10-year-olds are bouncing in their chairs. The small classroom’s walls are lined with racks of wetsuits and water equipment, and decorated with posters of turtles. But the students’ eyes are trained on their teacher, Tseng Ching-ming, describing the currents and sea conditions at nearby Banana Bay, where they’ll soon be going. “Today you have one mission: to take off your equipment and float in the water,” he says. Some of the kids grin, nervously. They don’t know it, but the students from Kenting-Eluan elementary school on Taiwan’s southernmost point, are rare among their peers and predecessors. Despite most of
A pig’s head sits atop a shelf, tufts of blonde hair sprouting from its taut scalp. Opposite, its chalky, wrinkled heart glows red in a bubbling vat of liquid, locks of thick dark hair and teeth scattered below. A giant screen shows the pig draped in a hospital gown. Is it dead? A surgeon inserts human teeth implants, then hair implants — beautifying the horrifyingly human-like animal. Chang Chen-shen (張辰申) calls Incarnation Project: Deviation Lovers “a satirical self-criticism, a critique on the fact that throughout our lives we’ve been instilled with ideas and things that don’t belong to us.” Chang
Feb. 10 to Feb. 16 More than three decades after penning the iconic High Green Mountains (高山青), a frail Teng Yu-ping (鄧禹平) finally visited the verdant peaks and blue streams of Alishan described in the lyrics. Often mistaken as an indigenous folk song, it was actually created in 1949 by Chinese filmmakers while shooting a scene for the movie Happenings in Alishan (阿里山風雲) in Taipei’s Beitou District (北投), recounts director Chang Ying (張英) in the 1999 book, Chang Ying’s Contributions to Taiwanese Cinema and Theater (打鑼三響包得行: 張英對台灣影劇的貢獻). The team was meant to return to China after filming, but