English National Ballet will be performing its interpretation of Peter Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. The ENB's Swan Lake, which premiered in 2000, was choreographed by the company's then artistic director, Derek Deane. The current show involves an imported cast of 64 members and will be performed to music played by the Kaohsiung City Symphony Orchestra.
* At the National Theater, Taipei.
* Tickets cost from NT$2,800 to NT$5,800 and are available through TRTC ticketing.
* Tonight, tomorrow and Sunday at 7:30pm; tomorrow and Sunday at 2:30pm
Bai Suzhen – A Kabuki Forgery (清照茉莉王世緯一人芝居獨角戲 – 白素貞) by the Lee Qingzhao the Private (李清照私人劇團), an experimental mixture of Chinese classical tales with Japanese kabuki staging. This is a condensed version of the show performed last week at the Taishin Holdings Art Center (台新金控藝文中心).
* At Ringside (聚場), B2, 10 Siwei Rd, Taipei (臺北市四維路10號B2).
* Admission is free.
* Tomorrow at 8pm
Taishin Arts Center Lunch Time Concert (台新金控藝文中心午間音樂會) will be held at the Taishin Arts Center (台新金控藝文中心) today from 12:30pm to 1:30pm. Part of Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture's summer program, this concert is the fifth of a series of six lunchtime concerts. Violinist Frank Lu (盧耿鋒) will, with guitarist Lu Chia-hung (盧家宏), present Paganini's caprices No.1, No.13, and No.21.
* At the Taishin Arts Center, 2F, 118 Renai Rd Sec 4, Taipei (台北市仁愛路四段118號2樓)
* Admission is free
* Today at 12:30pm
Mozart Requiem (莫札特安魂曲) will mark the closing of the 7th Taipei International Choral Festival at the National Concert Hall tomorrow. The first part of the concert will be presented by Australia's Coco's Lunch and Sweden's Gustaf Sjokvist Chamber Choir, with Gustaf Sjokvist conducting. They will perform Sandstrom's Psalm 139 and Schonberg's Friede auf Erden. The second part of the concert will be Mozart's Requiem, featuring the Taipei Philharmonic Youth Orchestra (台北愛樂青年管弦樂團) and two of the best Taiwanese choirs, the Festival Chorus (節慶合唱團) and Taipei Philharmonic Chorus (台北愛樂合唱團). Gabor Hollerrung, the Music Director of the Budapest Academic Choral Society, will conduct the chorus of over 200 singers and instrumentalists.
* At the National Concert Hall, Taipei
* Tickets cost NT$500 to NT$1,500 and are available through NTCH ticketing.
* Tomorrow at 7:30pm
Shin-Ichi Fukuda and Louis Tsou Guitar Recital (福田進一與鄒世烈吉他獨奏會) will be held at Taichung's Shinmin Senior High School (新民中學藝術中心) tonight as the third concert of the six-concert series of the 2006 Formosa International Guitar Festival (2006福爾摩沙國際吉他藝術節). Tsou will play the first half of the program, including Dang Don's (董運昌) L'Apres-midi au Ann-Pin, Domeniconi's Koyunbaba, D'Angelo's Due Canzoni Lidie, and Piazzolla's Poema Valseado and La Muerte del Angel “Tango”. In the second half of the program, Fukuda will present Villa-Lobos's 5 Preludes, Giuliani's Rossiniane No.1, Op.119, and also Taiwan's premiere of Cuban Composer Leo Brouwer's El Arpa y La Sombra. Tania Chagnot and Jimmy Liu Guitar Recital (塔妮雅.夏紐與劉士堉吉他獨奏會) will also be held in Taichung on Sunday. In the first part of the concert, Liu will play Tarrega's Capriccio Arabe, Brouwer's Danza Caracteristica, Sojo's Venezuelan Suite, Mozart's Introduction and Variations on the Theme from Mozart's The Magic Flute, Op.9 arranged by Sor, Sor's Grand Solo, Op.14 arranged by Aguado, Bach's Cello Suite No.1, BWV1007 arranged by Liu himself, and York's Introduction and Sunburst. In the second half of the program, Chagnot will showcase Praetorius's 4 Danses du Terpsichore, Mertz's Elegie, Brouwer's Tres Apuntes, Kleynjans's L'Aube du Dernier Jour, and Dyens's Saudade No.3.
* At Taichung's Shin-min Senior High School (新民中學藝術中心), 289 Sanmin Rd Sec 3, Taichung City (台中市三民路三段289號)
* Tickets cost NT$350 to NT$600 and are available through NTCH ticketing
* Tonight and Sunday at 7:30pm
Pablo Marquez and Jimmy Liu Guitar Recital (帕布羅.馬奎斯與劉士堉吉他獨奏會) will be held at the National Cheng Kung University's (NCKU) Cheng Kung Hall in Tainan (台南成功大學成功廳) tomorrow. In the first half of the program, Liu will play Tarrega's Capriccio Arabe, Brouwer's Danza Caracteristica, Sojo's Venezuelan Suite, Mozart's Introduction and Variations on the Theme from Mozart's The Magic Flute, Op.9 arranged by Sor, Sor's Grand Solo, Op.14 arranged by Aguado, Bach's Cello Suite No.1, BWV1007 arranged by Liu himself, and York's Introduction and Sunburst. In the second part of the concert, Marquez will play works by Kantor, Falu, Uriburu, Sutti, Cabeza, Espinosa, Leguizamon, Saluzzi, and Ginastera.
* At the National Cheng Kung University's (NCKU) Cheng Kung Hall in Tainan (台南成功大學成功廳), 1 University Rd, Tainan City (台南市大學路1號)
* Tickets cost from NT$350 to NT$600 and are available through NTCH ticketing
* Tomorrow at 7:30pm
Maestros' Concert “Hommage au Pere” (吉他大師們的父親節禮讚音樂會) will be the closing gala of The 2006 Formosa International Guitar Festival (2006 福爾摩沙國際吉他藝術節). This concert will feature all five guitarists featured in the festival, playing solos duos, trios, quartets, and quintets. The program will include Ponce's Estrellita and Por Ti, Mi Corazon, Cardoso's Milonga, Piazzolla's Lo Que Vendra, Petit's Toccata, Sor's Souvenir de Russie, Op.63, Pujol's Fin de Siglo, Albeniz's Granada and Sevilla, Fukuda's Fantasia on japanese Folksong, Brouwer's Toccata and Cuban Landscape with Rain, and Rossini's Ouverture-La Gazza Ladra.
* At the Novel Hall, 3-1 Sungshou Rd, Taipei (台北市松壽路3-1號).
* Tickets are from NT$450 to NT$800 and are available through NTCH ticketing.
* Tuesday at 7:30pm
Shuan Yin Arts Concert Series (玄音之夜音樂會) will present its An Evening with Great Georgian Pianist (喬治亞鋼琴巨星之夜) on Monday, Paganini of Russia (俄羅斯的帕格尼尼) on Tuesday, Carissmatic Chamber Gala (魅力東歐室內樂) on Wednesday, and its Shuan Yin Arts Festival Carnival (玄樂狂歡節) on Thursday.
* At the Taipei City Family Theater, 2F, 1, Shifu Rd, Taipei (台北市市府路1號)
* Tickets cost NT$300 to NT$1,000 and are available through ERA ticketing.
* Aug. 7 through Aug. 10 at 7:45pm
Jim Brickman Live Concert in Taipei (金布里克曼鋼琴演奏會), featuring an artist who revolutionized the sound of adult contemporary music with his pop-style solo piano. Brickman has enjoyed a remarkable recording career with several Top 40 radio hits, one platinum-selling album, and a 2003 Grammy nomination. Recently, Brickman joined forces with the Walt Disney Studios to bring a new sound to the classic Disney musical library on his newest CD, Jim Brickman: The Disney Songbook.
* At the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, 2F, 505, Renai Rd Sec 4, Taipei (台北市仁愛路四段505號2樓)
* Tickets cost from NT$400 to NT$2,500 and are available through ERA ticketing
* Wednesday at 7:30pm
The Living Room (小客廳) features The Big Brass Balls Band, Consider the Meek, and The Sound Clashes tonight, JucyNing (朱凌凌) and The Clippers (夾子太硬啦) tomorrow night, Hell Dog (地獄狗蛋) and Lost in Vega on Tuesday, N-Square (次方) and What Mulan (花木蘭) on Wednesday and Mango (芒果樂團) and The Stage on Thursday.
* Shows begin at 9pm, except Tuesday's, which starts at 8:30pm
* Entrance is free tonight, NT$400 tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday and NT$350 on Thursday
* 3F, 8, Nanjing E Rd, Sec 5, Taipei (台北市南京東路五段8號3樓). Call (02) 8787-4154 or visit
Grooveyard presents Shaun, a soul, blues, rock and folk singer from Toronto tonight and female rock outfit BB Bomb with special guests tomorrow night.
* Tonight's show begins at 10pm, tomorrow's at 8pm
* Entrance for both shows is NT$200
* 2F, 105 Hwamei W Rd, Taichung (台中市華美西街105號二樓)
Nuno's Live House (老諾) features 1976 and Quizmaster tonight, (固定客) and Over Night tomorrow, A Pay on Sunday, Tidal Zone (潮間帶) Xiao Yi (小逸) and Du Li Ren Zhong (獨立人種) on Thursday
* All shows begin at 8:30pm
* Entrance for tonight is NT$350, NT$250 for tomorrow and NT$300 on Sunday, Thursday night's gig is free
* B1, 2 Alley 3, Tungyuen Lane, Chunggang Rd, Longjing Township, Taichung County (台中縣龍井鄉中港路東園巷3弄2號B1). Call 04-2652-9768 or visit
The Wall (這牆) presents So What tonight, 1976 and Quizmaster tomorrow, Everybody Electro features DJs from TriPROG, Ingredient and Raver Zone, after 11:30pm tomorrow, Spring Sun (春日), Big Day and Lucky Pie on Wednesday, Wasabe on Thursday.
* All shows except Everybody Electro begin at 8pm.
* Entrance for tonight is NT$150, tickets for 1976 and Quizmaster's show cost NT$400, and entrance for the Everybody Electro party is NT$500, Wednesday's gig is NT$300 and Thursday's is NT$300
* B1, 200, Sec 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei (台北市羅斯福路4段200號B1), Call: (02) 2930-0162 or visit
Diagram of Commotion and Desire – Towards a Bright Start from the Deep Forest (暴喜圖–柳暗與花明: 郭維國). The winner of Liao Chi-chun Oil Painting Award (廖繼春油畫創作獎) in 2005, artist Kuo Wei-kuo (郭維國) earned recognition with his self-portraits in an obscure, metaphorical manner and with distinctive gray-violet hues to express an elusive inner world of surrealism. An expansion of his Diagram of Commotion and Desire series in 1998, the exhibition continues Kuo's odyssey to explore the “real” self.
* Taipei Fine Arts Museum (台北市立美術館), 181 Zhongshan N Rd Sec 3, Taipei (台北市中山北路三段181號). Open Tuesday to Sunday from 9:30am to 5:30pm. Call (02) 2595-7656.
* Until Sept. 3
The Landmarks of New York (紐約經典地標設影展), featuring 81 black-and-white photographs of New York's landmarks including Brooklyn Bridge, State of Liberty National Monument and Chrysler Building. Accompanied by the photos are Chinese and English explanation notes that describe the history of the city as it evolved from a small fishing village to a major international metropolis.
* National Taiwan Museum (國立台灣博物館), 2 Xiangyang Rd, Taipei (台北市襄陽路2號). Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 5pm. Call (02) 2382-2699.
* Until Sept. 11
House of Exhaustion and Waiting – In Honor of Tehching Hsieh (疲倦與等待之屋 – 向德慶致敬), in which artist Chen Kai-huang (陳愷璜) uses image installations and bodily interaction with space to present the exhibition's theme: exhaustion and waiting as two attributes of the contemporary world. The works also pay tribute to artist Tehching Hsieh whose perspective and daily practice of constantly testing the limits of human endurance called attention to man's existential state of being.
* Main Trend Gallery (大趨勢畫廊), 209-1 Chengde Rd, Sec 3, Taipei (台北市承德路三段209-1號). Open Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 7pm. Call (02) 2587-3412
* Until Aug. 26
A Line's Stroll (一條線的散步). In the seven chambers of lines made of different materials and placed sometimes in random and sometimes systematic patterns and arrangements, children and their parents are encouraged to feel and observe the spatial rhythms and motions expressed through the eye-dazzling interplay of simple lines and strokes. The exhibition rooms houses a walkway lined with fluorescent columns, a chamber of mirrors.
* Children's Art Museum in Taipei (蘇荷兒童美術館), B1, 20, Ln 50, Tienmu W Rd, Taipei (台北市天母西路50巷20號B1). Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 5:30pm. Call (02) 2872-1366
* Until Dec. 31
The Architecture Art of Gaudi (數位建築先驅: 高第建築藝術展), featuring computer-generated film of the completed Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, which is still under construction. This is a rare opportunity to study Gaudi's 138 architectural blueprints and models.
* Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall (國父紀念館), 505 Renai Rd Sec 4, Taipei (台北市仁愛路四段505號2樓). Open daily from 9am to 5pm. Call (02) 2758-8008.
* Until Sept. 10
Climate change, political headwinds and diverging market dynamics around the world have pushed coffee prices to fresh records, jacking up the cost of your everyday brew or a barista’s signature macchiato. While the current hot streak may calm down in the coming months, experts and industry insiders expect volatility will remain the watchword, giving little visibility for producers — two-thirds of whom farm parcels of less than one hectare. METEORIC RISE The price of arabica beans listed in New York surged by 90 percent last year, smashing on Dec. 10 a record dating from 1977 — US$3.48 per pound. Robusta prices have
A dozen excited 10-year-olds are bouncing in their chairs. The small classroom’s walls are lined with racks of wetsuits and water equipment, and decorated with posters of turtles. But the students’ eyes are trained on their teacher, Tseng Ching-ming, describing the currents and sea conditions at nearby Banana Bay, where they’ll soon be going. “Today you have one mission: to take off your equipment and float in the water,” he says. Some of the kids grin, nervously. They don’t know it, but the students from Kenting-Eluan elementary school on Taiwan’s southernmost point, are rare among their peers and predecessors. Despite most of
The resignation of Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) co-founder Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) as party chair on Jan. 1 has led to an interesting battle between two leading party figures, Huang Kuo-chang (黃國昌) and Tsai Pi-ru (蔡壁如). For years the party has been a one-man show, but with Ko being held incommunicado while on trial for corruption, the new chair’s leadership could be make or break for the young party. Not only are the two very different in style, their backgrounds are very different. Tsai is a co-founder of the TPP and has been with Ko from the very beginning. Huang has
A few years ago, getting a visa to visit China was a “ball ache,” says Kate Murray. The Australian was going for a four-day trade show, but the visa required a formal invitation from the organizers and what felt like “a thousand forms.” “They wanted so many details about your life and personal life,” she tells the Guardian. “The paperwork was bonkers.” But were she to go back again now, Murray could just jump on the plane. Australians are among citizens of almost 40 countries for which China now waives visas for business, tourism or family visits for up to four weeks. It’s